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21 May 2008

Am I having a migraine or whatever???

At the time of this post I'm experiencing some aching on the right side of my head in the jaw/teeth, eye, ear, etc. I almost want to even blackout. I don't know why. I know that I'm getting more rest now and that it's not caused by lack of sleep.

Is it allergies??? I am sure it's not the "T" word or anything such as that. Or, maybe it's me still adjusting to a change in one of my medications from last month. Again, I don't know.

Anyway, my computer is also acting up and wanting to jam/freeze. It's annoying to me. Silly machine. (Oh, the Symantec Service Framework has now encountered a problem and needs to close. The pop-up just alerted me. Crazy! I almost want to resent it.)

Driving to work today and then to Providence Baptist in Raleigh for the Gathering this evening was interesting. That was when I really felt the aching in the right side of my head. It seems as though I don't want to focus at all and that I'm in a brain fog. Again, it might be the change of one of my medications.

(Oh, the Gathering was good...and it will be my last one for a good while because I'll be on second shift starting next month. I'm afraid that I'll miss the Gathering, but work is important and I still need to focus on that. Speaking of which, today - Wednesday - I had mislabeled some packages and some of the people there were getting all frazzled. Another good learning experience. Again, I'm only on my second week and today I actually didn't feel that great physically speaking. It's the head thing!)

Well, I do need to go now. Time to go to BED and sleep! I'll be taking my meds along with some Tylenol, etc. as to try to make this headache (or whatever) go away. Hopefully, it will.

PS - My Jeep Liberty DID reach the 30,000 mile mark! I've got pictures to prove it. :-)

20 May 2008

The NEW Job...The SECOND Week!!! (And 30,000 Miles???)

I know I should be doing something else such as doing some "volunteer" digital photo work rather than doing this post, but it's been over a week since my last post...and I'm getting settled in at my new job.

Speaking of which, I actually am glad that I'm there! Honest! I almost regret that I didn't get hired there sooner. But, it wasn't my time until now. (I still had to endure challenging times and a good learning experience at my former job.) I'm still working from 10 AM to 7 PM and won't start the 3:30 PM to Midnight (Monday through Friday) shift until Monday, June 2nd. Again, I do believe that my prayers were answered when this job was offered to me! (It really was past time to leave my other job...seriously.)

Well, sorry to disappoint any of you kind readers, but I might make this post short as well. This past week I've been going to bed earlier as to try to catch up on more rest and sanity. I think the former job burned me out so much that I was getting worn down and even blowing up. Sort of. I actually feel better now that I've left and I'm still trying to make the rebound. (Does that sound rude?)

I'll write more later about the new job. I promise! I might try to do some digital photo work now and maybe even catch up on some emails....or I might be going to bed. I've been wondering about taking a "break" from photography as well even though I'm still not as disciplined at doing it as I used to be. True, I take the pictures as I usually do, but just haven't done the editing and uploading as frequently. Maybe sometime soon when I'm not too distracted by other craziness in my life! Can any of you imagine me being married with kids? (No comment.)

PS - At the time of this post, my 2006 Jeep Liberty has 29,950 miles on the odometer. It will be hitting the 30,000 mile mark tomorrow (Wednesday, May 21st)!!! It seems like almost yesterday (December 27th, 2006) when I purchased it and it had had only FIFTY miles. Time flies, doesn't it???

12 May 2008

The FIRST Day on the NEW Job!!!

Well, I survived the first day on the new job...and that's good to know. I'm tempted to write a long post, but might decide to not do that as to give myself a rest and probably go to bed earlier than usual.

Regardless, I'll share more later about the first day and the following days on the new job. Stay tuned!

11 May 2008

Mother's Day Weekend and Pre-Job Jitters Before The 1st Day!

Another Mother's Day weekend has already passed and I spent it at my maternal Grandmother's home along with my own Mother, Sister, and two Nephews....and each passing year now is one which should be treasured in spite of all of the constant worries and frustrations of every day life now.

It is still a blessing to know that Grandma Thelma is still around at age 93 and that she still lives in her own house (which she's lived in for over fifty years - the current house, that is) and is able to take care of herself such as cook, etc. True, she doesn't drive anymore and hasn't since April of last year (2007) when she had a wreck the day after she turned 92. (That was Easter weekend and fortunately, most of the family was there during that time...and she was actually driving to church to go to a wedding.)

We all attended church where Grandma has attended for practically all of her life (she remembers going there when she was three) for the Mother's Day service and Grandma is one of the oldest Mothers in the church. There was Grandma and another lady (also 93) who were honored with a hanging flower basket from the church. Grandma and this same lady usually gets a flower basket from the church and as long as God grants them life, I guess they'll still continue receiving the flower baskets. (The Mother with the youngest child was honored too....and all Mothers received a carnation.)

Grandma still has her wits about her and even can still tell my own Mother what to do...or at least try to. At times, that drives my Mom crazy. (Happy Mother's Day, Mama! You know I love you! I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you! Some day I'll learn too! You know what I'm talking about!)

Grandma also knows that I'll be starting a new job tomorrow (Monday the 12th) and told me to give it my best and that the employer would be counting on me. (I know, Grandma.)

Speaking of which, I will admit that I have been a tad bit anxious about starting this new job. It's been almost nine years since I've started a new job and when I was the new hire. Before AlphaGraphics (the old job), the longest I've held a job was Golden Corral in Garner when I was in high school and college (NCSU). That was from September 1989 to May 1995. I had a series of jobs (as well as graduating from culinary school in 1997) from 1995 to when I was hired at AlphaGraphics in 1999. I was sort of used to changing jobs then.

To ease some of the anxiety I've been experiencing, I even sent a friendly email to one of the managers at AlphaGraphics just to share some of what I've been feeling and to thank him as well. Again, this is all new to me again. Ten years ago, I was used to changing jobs....and many things in my life have changed in the past ten years (with the exception of a job) such as the death of my Dad, etc. as well as getting to know many more people in my life who've influenced me, etc. I also went digital in regards to photography as many of you kind readers know! (More stress, huh?)

Well, I'll close this post for now. I've got a big day ahead of me tomorrow (Monday the 12th) since it's my first day at the new job. My immediate supervisor is excited about me coming aboard....and I need to give them my best and not worry - even though the commute is five miles further. But, that's okay for now. I just need to take it one day at a time.

10 May 2008

Boomerang Employees...Will I become one?

I know I should be in the bed sleeping rather than doing this post...but I'll do it anyway.

As you kind readers know, I just left AlphaGraphics of Cary after being there almost nine years. May 7th was my last day...and to be honest with you, I didn't have much of an appetite that day and it was sad to know that it was my last day. It was a challenging day, but a good one.

I rested on May 8th and on Friday, May 9th, I was busy getting drug-tested for the new job, going back to AG to check on a few last things, and going to the doctor near home for a checkup. BUSY, BUSY! I was shocked to realize the finality of knowing that I'm leaving and what remaining vacation hours I had will be paid to me in full...and I had a quite a few!

While I was there at AG for the last things to take care of, a co-worker at AlphaGraphics told me that someone who used to work there has been rehired to fill some of my position. This person left in October of last year and went to work where my own former supervisor as well as another former co-worker worked (and both of them have since left). This "other" place of work wasn't working out too well and I did even apply there last year. I'm glad that I didn't get job calls and offers from that company! (Sounds confusing??? It's quite the soap opera!)

Anyway, I heard that on May 8th - the day after I left and when this former co-worker of mine was rehired (he's starting next week), there was this rumor that I might be back in July to work at AG...and to be honest with you, if that's God's Will, then fine. I have had resentment toward AG in the past, but I'm over it now. I wouldn't mind going back, but if I did...then I would request a pay rate increase - even beyond what my new job will be paying me. (Really? Sounds tough, huh? *sarcasm to myself*) Not to sound selfish, but with the increasing gas prices and health insurance premiums, what pay rate increase I did receive from AG last year (after waiting almost 5 years) was shot.

But, I can't lie...I do let my emotions get to me at times and they could get me in trouble. (I've been dealing with breakdowns...ETC.) I will miss AlphaGraphics and the people with whom I worked there over the years. I am planning to take the store manager as well as the scheduler of AlphaGraphics (along with their wives) out to dinner sometime in June or after. I want them to accept my offer because I really appreciated them and their personalities.

Both of them were fun to work with and I'm honored I did have the opportunity to work with them...and if our paths cross again (which I would want them to), then great! (If they offered me a part-time position at AG, I almost might even take it....just to help them out? Would that make me a boomerang employee?)

Don't get me wrong, boomerang employees are good. In fact, I assume some of you kind readers have returned to some former jobs/employers. I did in the past during the late 1990's when I rehired to two former places of employment prior to AlphaGraphics. In fact, I almost encourage one to keep in contact with a former employer as to not burn bridges. Burning bridges is a terrible thing to do and something which could really haunt one for a long while. Doing that to AlphaGraphics this time really concerned me and it didn't sit well with me because I didn't know if I really was making the right choice of accepting this new job.

You also don't know when your path might cross again with someone you once knew in high school, college, work, etc. In fact, I know I've mentioned this in another post, but one of the vice-presidents of the company I'll be working for is someone who I went to high school with and the person who will be my immediate supervisor is married to someone who I used to work with at a job when I was in high school/college. Interesting, huh?

Well...it's time to close this post for now, right? It's getting long. As for other things happening, I'll share more later....maybe even about how the drug-testing went. Really, I guess I was nervous and even had to wait an extra hour (after waiting an hour)...and I'll spare you the rest of what happened. :-)

06 May 2008

One More Day at AlphaGraphics...

I only have one more day to work at AlphaGraphics of Cary, my current job. (May 7th is the official last day.) I began working at AG on August 31st, 1999...almost nine years ago.

Actually, I worked a couple of weeks earlier as a part of a working interview and besides, they were busy and needed my help! I remember that I applied there in early August and had the interview shortly after. I actually had to wait an hour for the first interview! Everyone was too busy and I do remember that I almost walked out. Ha! The people who interviewed me are no longer with AG. In fact, only four people at AG have worked there longer than I have....and I've worked longer than about ten others....give or take one or two. (Those who were hired in 2000 are no longer.)

Today and for the past week or so, I've been thinking about what's happened since August of 1999. Hurricane Floyd and its floodwaters ripped through the eastern part of North Carolina, damaging part of my maternal grandmother's home (which has since been repaired and remodeled). That was in September of 1999.

Also, in the fall of 1999, there was this increasing popularity of web sites...many of which have bombed. The "Y2K" scare was going on as well. That passed! August of 2000 marked the death of my dad's mother.

The year 2001 was an interesting one. I know you remember September 11th? Who doesn't??? All of our lives really have been marked by that dreadful day. My youngest nephew was born in November of that year.

The year 2002 wasn't much...except that I finally bought a digital camera and my life certainly hasn't been the same since! Pictures anyone?

My life was indeed changed in 2003. That was the year I turned 30 and later that year my dad was diagnosed lung and brain cancer. I lost an uncle that year as well. I purchased my 2001 Olds Alero.

2004 was a challenging year. In September, Dad died. The year 2005 wasn't really remarkable. 2006 was a decent one. The engine in the Alero died and I purchased my 2006 Jeep Liberty. 2007 has just passed not too long ago...or has it? It's already May! Where has the time gone? Yes, where has the time gone??? It's now 2008 the year I turned 35 and the year I left AG.

And, yes, it's one more day at AlphaGraphics...my last one! Am I excited? Sort of. Am I sad? Yes. My resentment toward anything at AG has ceased...and I'll begin the next journey of my life for I will be moving forward and reflecting back on my time spent at AG. I know I'll miss some people there and their personalities. I do intend in keeping in touch with some of them for they have touched my life in a way which has made me feel respected and valued as a person. I greatly appreciate them.

I do pray that God will allow me to make the most of the opportunity of this new job. True, it's a tad bit farther (five miles more) and it is second shift (for now). But, there is this pay rate increase and more benefits which are good. Who knows if I'll be there eight or nine years from now? Maybe, maybe not. I just need to take it one day at a time for now.

Until next time...

02 May 2008

UPDATE - Greg TOOK the JOB!!!

I trust this finds you kind readers doing well. Remember the LONG post I did last week (April 23rd) about the "POTENTIAL" new job which went searching for me and NOT vice-versa??? To keep you from guessing, I accepted the offer!!! Some of you who are my FACEBOOK friends and LINKEDIN connections already know as well as a few others. Thanks for the messages of encouragement - for those of you who did respond. I appreciate your support. I really need it this time of my life!

Knowing me, I would LOVE to share more about what's going on and such with the new job - such as how a former high school classmate of mine is one of the vice-presidents of the company I'll be working for - and I'll do some, but will share more on this blog - http://rettaman.blogspot.com - which I'll update as soon as I can whenever I'm not too worn out from my current job, etc. I also am now trying to sort through some extremely back-logged photos I personally know that some of you are anxious to see, right? Well, I'm working on it...and trying to fight sleep as I do it. If you feel lead, please keep me in prayer and thought about my photography and for any leads/referrals to come my way. (They haven't been coming like they used to...and I suppose that's okay since my time has been strained lately and my efforts/interests have been divided.)

As for my current job, April (last month) was quite literally the busiest month for me in regards to overtime and it was structured and planned chaos. There was a third shift for a couple of weeks running 24 hours a day due to many heavy demands. (That was a first.) We were already short some people and the third shift took away a person who usually would work the first shift and that created more work and stress for those of us on the first shift such as myself. Last month was the third busiest month in the history of the current company I'm working for and will be leaving. (Again, we were short-staffed during all of this.)

I just received my paycheck from the last two weeks and I have over 37 hours of overtime in addition to the regular 80 (not including the entire amount of overtime I've been getting since Easter, which I'm guessing is a total of 90 hours -- an average of 17-18 hours each week???). I do believe that I'm almost confused. April was a blur! Also, within the past two weeks, I had the interview for the new job as well as the offer itself. I can't lie, but last week was emotionally wrenching for me. I did shed a few tears. What else can I say? I also have been missing my Dad terribly even though he's been deceased since September 30th of 2004. He was quite the supporter and encourager in my life...and at times when I think of him (and even look at his 1969 IH Scout), a twisting pain occurs in the middle of my chest.

The day I turned in my resignation (Thursday the 24th) was literally one of the "worst" days of my life. It ranked as being almost as "painful" as the day when my Dad died....almost. I don't know if the resignation process went as smooth as it could have despite the fact I searched the Internet as to do it properly including the ideal resignation letter. (Guess what??? There is NO ideal resignation letter!!!) It was a shocking experience and I ended up going to bed at 9 PM because I wasn't feeling very well. But, that was only a day...and this past week, I've been back at my current job and my last day there is May 7th (Wednesday). I'll start my new job on Monday, May 12th. (I wish I could take an extra week off. Leaving a job of almost nine years is more challenging than I've thought....and I'm glad of the two-week notice so it can provide a smoother transition. At least, I've learned that!)

Oh, did I mention that the new job is second shift??? That was a concern for me because I'll be working from 3:30 PM to midnight from Monday to Friday. After a two-week training period at the new job when my schedule will be from 10 AM to 7 PM, all of my weeknight activities will cease, including whatever Bible studies, gatherings, game nights, etc. I usually attend currently. My Mom was concerned about that as well because she knows how important social interaction has been for me over the past several years. (Even today, I do struggle with feeling connected at times and hate severed ties. That's why I miss my Dad so greatly sometimes. It comes and goes.) I know that the pruning of my social interaction will be a sacrifice, but maybe it will be a good one for now??? At least, I'll be able to spend some time in the SUNSHINE during the day and even do errands (help Mom out more?), and hopefully do a few lunches with friends. I also won't have to worry about waking up early in the morning dreading the traffic to get to work as I sometimes do now. :-) I think second shift during the summer months won't be quite as challenging as it could be...maybe. Monday mornings won't be a drag!

Well, I do need to go now. Thanks for taking your time in reading this. Again, I know how precious time is....this past month proved it for me in several aspects. I hope that what I wrote made sense and wasn't too confusing. I'll be in contact with you again later....even though it might be much later? Anyway, have a great day!

The Wave Swinger at the 2008 NC STATE FAIR on October 19th...


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Christmas 2009 Countdown!

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...