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20 May 2008

The NEW Job...The SECOND Week!!! (And 30,000 Miles???)

I know I should be doing something else such as doing some "volunteer" digital photo work rather than doing this post, but it's been over a week since my last post...and I'm getting settled in at my new job.

Speaking of which, I actually am glad that I'm there! Honest! I almost regret that I didn't get hired there sooner. But, it wasn't my time until now. (I still had to endure challenging times and a good learning experience at my former job.) I'm still working from 10 AM to 7 PM and won't start the 3:30 PM to Midnight (Monday through Friday) shift until Monday, June 2nd. Again, I do believe that my prayers were answered when this job was offered to me! (It really was past time to leave my other job...seriously.)

Well, sorry to disappoint any of you kind readers, but I might make this post short as well. This past week I've been going to bed earlier as to try to catch up on more rest and sanity. I think the former job burned me out so much that I was getting worn down and even blowing up. Sort of. I actually feel better now that I've left and I'm still trying to make the rebound. (Does that sound rude?)

I'll write more later about the new job. I promise! I might try to do some digital photo work now and maybe even catch up on some emails....or I might be going to bed. I've been wondering about taking a "break" from photography as well even though I'm still not as disciplined at doing it as I used to be. True, I take the pictures as I usually do, but just haven't done the editing and uploading as frequently. Maybe sometime soon when I'm not too distracted by other craziness in my life! Can any of you imagine me being married with kids? (No comment.)

PS - At the time of this post, my 2006 Jeep Liberty has 29,950 miles on the odometer. It will be hitting the 30,000 mile mark tomorrow (Wednesday, May 21st)!!! It seems like almost yesterday (December 27th, 2006) when I purchased it and it had had only FIFTY miles. Time flies, doesn't it???

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