Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club
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21 May 2008

Am I having a migraine or whatever???

At the time of this post I'm experiencing some aching on the right side of my head in the jaw/teeth, eye, ear, etc. I almost want to even blackout. I don't know why. I know that I'm getting more rest now and that it's not caused by lack of sleep.

Is it allergies??? I am sure it's not the "T" word or anything such as that. Or, maybe it's me still adjusting to a change in one of my medications from last month. Again, I don't know.

Anyway, my computer is also acting up and wanting to jam/freeze. It's annoying to me. Silly machine. (Oh, the Symantec Service Framework has now encountered a problem and needs to close. The pop-up just alerted me. Crazy! I almost want to resent it.)

Driving to work today and then to Providence Baptist in Raleigh for the Gathering this evening was interesting. That was when I really felt the aching in the right side of my head. It seems as though I don't want to focus at all and that I'm in a brain fog. Again, it might be the change of one of my medications.

(Oh, the Gathering was good...and it will be my last one for a good while because I'll be on second shift starting next month. I'm afraid that I'll miss the Gathering, but work is important and I still need to focus on that. Speaking of which, today - Wednesday - I had mislabeled some packages and some of the people there were getting all frazzled. Another good learning experience. Again, I'm only on my second week and today I actually didn't feel that great physically speaking. It's the head thing!)

Well, I do need to go now. Time to go to BED and sleep! I'll be taking my meds along with some Tylenol, etc. as to try to make this headache (or whatever) go away. Hopefully, it will.

PS - My Jeep Liberty DID reach the 30,000 mile mark! I've got pictures to prove it. :-)

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