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02 May 2008

UPDATE - Greg TOOK the JOB!!!

I trust this finds you kind readers doing well. Remember the LONG post I did last week (April 23rd) about the "POTENTIAL" new job which went searching for me and NOT vice-versa??? To keep you from guessing, I accepted the offer!!! Some of you who are my FACEBOOK friends and LINKEDIN connections already know as well as a few others. Thanks for the messages of encouragement - for those of you who did respond. I appreciate your support. I really need it this time of my life!

Knowing me, I would LOVE to share more about what's going on and such with the new job - such as how a former high school classmate of mine is one of the vice-presidents of the company I'll be working for - and I'll do some, but will share more on this blog - http://rettaman.blogspot.com - which I'll update as soon as I can whenever I'm not too worn out from my current job, etc. I also am now trying to sort through some extremely back-logged photos I personally know that some of you are anxious to see, right? Well, I'm working on it...and trying to fight sleep as I do it. If you feel lead, please keep me in prayer and thought about my photography and for any leads/referrals to come my way. (They haven't been coming like they used to...and I suppose that's okay since my time has been strained lately and my efforts/interests have been divided.)

As for my current job, April (last month) was quite literally the busiest month for me in regards to overtime and it was structured and planned chaos. There was a third shift for a couple of weeks running 24 hours a day due to many heavy demands. (That was a first.) We were already short some people and the third shift took away a person who usually would work the first shift and that created more work and stress for those of us on the first shift such as myself. Last month was the third busiest month in the history of the current company I'm working for and will be leaving. (Again, we were short-staffed during all of this.)

I just received my paycheck from the last two weeks and I have over 37 hours of overtime in addition to the regular 80 (not including the entire amount of overtime I've been getting since Easter, which I'm guessing is a total of 90 hours -- an average of 17-18 hours each week???). I do believe that I'm almost confused. April was a blur! Also, within the past two weeks, I had the interview for the new job as well as the offer itself. I can't lie, but last week was emotionally wrenching for me. I did shed a few tears. What else can I say? I also have been missing my Dad terribly even though he's been deceased since September 30th of 2004. He was quite the supporter and encourager in my life...and at times when I think of him (and even look at his 1969 IH Scout), a twisting pain occurs in the middle of my chest.

The day I turned in my resignation (Thursday the 24th) was literally one of the "worst" days of my life. It ranked as being almost as "painful" as the day when my Dad died....almost. I don't know if the resignation process went as smooth as it could have despite the fact I searched the Internet as to do it properly including the ideal resignation letter. (Guess what??? There is NO ideal resignation letter!!!) It was a shocking experience and I ended up going to bed at 9 PM because I wasn't feeling very well. But, that was only a day...and this past week, I've been back at my current job and my last day there is May 7th (Wednesday). I'll start my new job on Monday, May 12th. (I wish I could take an extra week off. Leaving a job of almost nine years is more challenging than I've thought....and I'm glad of the two-week notice so it can provide a smoother transition. At least, I've learned that!)

Oh, did I mention that the new job is second shift??? That was a concern for me because I'll be working from 3:30 PM to midnight from Monday to Friday. After a two-week training period at the new job when my schedule will be from 10 AM to 7 PM, all of my weeknight activities will cease, including whatever Bible studies, gatherings, game nights, etc. I usually attend currently. My Mom was concerned about that as well because she knows how important social interaction has been for me over the past several years. (Even today, I do struggle with feeling connected at times and hate severed ties. That's why I miss my Dad so greatly sometimes. It comes and goes.) I know that the pruning of my social interaction will be a sacrifice, but maybe it will be a good one for now??? At least, I'll be able to spend some time in the SUNSHINE during the day and even do errands (help Mom out more?), and hopefully do a few lunches with friends. I also won't have to worry about waking up early in the morning dreading the traffic to get to work as I sometimes do now. :-) I think second shift during the summer months won't be quite as challenging as it could be...maybe. Monday mornings won't be a drag!

Well, I do need to go now. Thanks for taking your time in reading this. Again, I know how precious time is....this past month proved it for me in several aspects. I hope that what I wrote made sense and wasn't too confusing. I'll be in contact with you again later....even though it might be much later? Anyway, have a great day!

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