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23 April 2008

Please pray for Gregory's "POTENTIAL" New Job...which went searching FOR him!

I trust this finds you readers doing well. As for me, I've been a little busy and tired...but okay! :-) I also want to share some good news in my life...and this post is sort of long, but please read it if you desire. (THANKS in advance! I can not lie...it seems as though some of my "prayers" have been answered.)

I might be taking a job which is second shift within a few weeks; that will occupy all of my weeknights (Fridays too, I guess) - 3:30 PM to Midnight. That's a little concern for me since I have many activities on weeknights, but by the way my current full-time job has been lately, it's been a guessing game trying to figure out what time I'll be leaving there each day (um...excuse me, EVENING). For example, I've been working about 15 to 17 hours overtime each week at my current job for the past few weeks. I've even been going in on the weekends lately. It's downright crazy and has been testing my patience, temper/anger, stamina, etc. I've not been a very happy person at work. At times, I even wanted to do photography full-time...but, that's a crazy dream too because I haven't been getting the referrals like I used to. I still try to do the usual "volunteer" photography for C3 Church, Providence Singles, and other organizations, friends, family, etc. when my time and energy (and health) allow me to. I will admit that the discipline I used to have for it hasn't been quite as strong as it was. (If you can, please pray for my photography as well.)

I had the interview for this potential job last Thursday evening and really liked what I saw. I actually had to go back to my current job after the interview and started thinking of how nice it would be to work at the potential job. I really felt as though God loved me. I was told there would be a second interview. However, to my surprise, there was NO second interview, no working interview, etc...just a offer on Monday the 21st. Wow! I can NOT lie; I was a little "shocked" that I received the offer so quickly and without a second interview. The person I interviewed with told me he was impressed with my experience. I guess I really haven't been wasting my life at my job now, huh?

I'll be meeting with the company associates today (Wednesday the 23rd) at 6 PM to find out exactly what they'll be offering me. I do pray that I'll make a clear decision. I've been at my current job since August of 1999. It's been not a pleasant experience for the past couple of years. Well, some of it has, but then again some of hasn't been. Some "long-timers" have been actively searching elsewhere. We did lose quite a few key people since early 2006....and I've been missing them and what they had to offer. Ironically, the company I currently work for was sold to different owners in February of this year. I guess the former owners were wanting a change as well. (The company I currently work for has an employee workforce of less than twenty.)

Oh, you also know one of the more interesting things about this potential job??? I didn't even apply for it. I wasn't searching in the ads, online, etc. I will admit the times I've searched, something went wrong and I didn't get the job or something else to that effect. (Well...I did contact this company in September of last year and from the email I sent them, I didn't attach a resume. But, a friend of mine who works with NCSU had access to my resume and I "believe" this friend of mine was the one who sent in my resume. I don't remember sending it to the company. Ha!)

Also, this potential job pays more and ALL of my health insurance is paid. I was told I don't have to pay a monthly premium. I've been paying monthly premiums for nine years now...and they're getting higher each year. As for my commute, it shouldn't be bad because I'll be on second shift (even though I'll GREATLY miss my usual weeknight activities and might try to do a few lunches with friends?). My current commute is twenty miles ONE way and this "new" commute will be TWENTY-FIVE miles one way. Obviously, that will require more gas. (Duh. My current job is in Cary and this "potential" job is in Morrisville. I currently live in Garner.)

As you know, gasoline prices are been getting higher and I've been sort of concerned about that...even to the point of wanting to trade in my 2006 GAS-GUZZLING Jeep Liberty. But, I've got some negative equity in the Jeep so it's best to keep it...and one of my Dad's SUV's is near death and I feel as though I should keep my Jeep so it can fill the "void" of when my Mom does finally sell the SUV. (I'm referring to my Dad's 1998 Chevy S-Blazer. It has a head gasket problem but it's caught in time. The head gasket problem my 2001 Olds Alero had in December of 2006 was NOT caught in time even though the intake manifold gasket was replaced just weeks earlier. I still don't know why the mechanic I took the Alero to did NOT catch the head gasket problem?!?! Oh - as for my Dad's 1969 IH Scout, it's still around as usual with its doughnut gasket problem...but it's simple compared to a head gasket! I've got the doughnut gasket, but need help. I wish my Dad were still alive and could offer some input, etc.)

Well, I do need to go now. I do thank YOU for taking the time to read this LONG post and for keeping me in thought and prayer as I make this decision. I hope that the associates at this "potential" job will give me a day or two to make the final decision. By the way I've been treated at my current job by some co-workers this past week, I think I need to take this job! These particular co-workers were stepping over the line by their attitude and actions toward me. I didn't respond too kindly toward one of them. This person really yanked my chain...and I do praise God for anger control. (I really have appreciated the recent messages at the Gathering - at Providence - in regards to anger and resentment, etc.) Other than the harassment from those individuals, it will be bittersweet to leave my current job. Again, thanks for keeping me in thought and prayer as I make this decision. (The reason why it's second shift is one of the key factors of whether or not I should take this job - in my opinion.)

PS - I really would like to find a job in the middle/lower Florida Keys, but I'm only dreaming! I can't lie...my trip in January spoiled me!!!

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