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06 May 2008

One More Day at AlphaGraphics...

I only have one more day to work at AlphaGraphics of Cary, my current job. (May 7th is the official last day.) I began working at AG on August 31st, 1999...almost nine years ago.

Actually, I worked a couple of weeks earlier as a part of a working interview and besides, they were busy and needed my help! I remember that I applied there in early August and had the interview shortly after. I actually had to wait an hour for the first interview! Everyone was too busy and I do remember that I almost walked out. Ha! The people who interviewed me are no longer with AG. In fact, only four people at AG have worked there longer than I have....and I've worked longer than about ten others....give or take one or two. (Those who were hired in 2000 are no longer.)

Today and for the past week or so, I've been thinking about what's happened since August of 1999. Hurricane Floyd and its floodwaters ripped through the eastern part of North Carolina, damaging part of my maternal grandmother's home (which has since been repaired and remodeled). That was in September of 1999.

Also, in the fall of 1999, there was this increasing popularity of web sites...many of which have bombed. The "Y2K" scare was going on as well. That passed! August of 2000 marked the death of my dad's mother.

The year 2001 was an interesting one. I know you remember September 11th? Who doesn't??? All of our lives really have been marked by that dreadful day. My youngest nephew was born in November of that year.

The year 2002 wasn't much...except that I finally bought a digital camera and my life certainly hasn't been the same since! Pictures anyone?

My life was indeed changed in 2003. That was the year I turned 30 and later that year my dad was diagnosed lung and brain cancer. I lost an uncle that year as well. I purchased my 2001 Olds Alero.

2004 was a challenging year. In September, Dad died. The year 2005 wasn't really remarkable. 2006 was a decent one. The engine in the Alero died and I purchased my 2006 Jeep Liberty. 2007 has just passed not too long ago...or has it? It's already May! Where has the time gone? Yes, where has the time gone??? It's now 2008 the year I turned 35 and the year I left AG.

And, yes, it's one more day at AlphaGraphics...my last one! Am I excited? Sort of. Am I sad? Yes. My resentment toward anything at AG has ceased...and I'll begin the next journey of my life for I will be moving forward and reflecting back on my time spent at AG. I know I'll miss some people there and their personalities. I do intend in keeping in touch with some of them for they have touched my life in a way which has made me feel respected and valued as a person. I greatly appreciate them.

I do pray that God will allow me to make the most of the opportunity of this new job. True, it's a tad bit farther (five miles more) and it is second shift (for now). But, there is this pay rate increase and more benefits which are good. Who knows if I'll be there eight or nine years from now? Maybe, maybe not. I just need to take it one day at a time for now.

Until next time...

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