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11 May 2008

Mother's Day Weekend and Pre-Job Jitters Before The 1st Day!

Another Mother's Day weekend has already passed and I spent it at my maternal Grandmother's home along with my own Mother, Sister, and two Nephews....and each passing year now is one which should be treasured in spite of all of the constant worries and frustrations of every day life now.

It is still a blessing to know that Grandma Thelma is still around at age 93 and that she still lives in her own house (which she's lived in for over fifty years - the current house, that is) and is able to take care of herself such as cook, etc. True, she doesn't drive anymore and hasn't since April of last year (2007) when she had a wreck the day after she turned 92. (That was Easter weekend and fortunately, most of the family was there during that time...and she was actually driving to church to go to a wedding.)

We all attended church where Grandma has attended for practically all of her life (she remembers going there when she was three) for the Mother's Day service and Grandma is one of the oldest Mothers in the church. There was Grandma and another lady (also 93) who were honored with a hanging flower basket from the church. Grandma and this same lady usually gets a flower basket from the church and as long as God grants them life, I guess they'll still continue receiving the flower baskets. (The Mother with the youngest child was honored too....and all Mothers received a carnation.)

Grandma still has her wits about her and even can still tell my own Mother what to do...or at least try to. At times, that drives my Mom crazy. (Happy Mother's Day, Mama! You know I love you! I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you! Some day I'll learn too! You know what I'm talking about!)

Grandma also knows that I'll be starting a new job tomorrow (Monday the 12th) and told me to give it my best and that the employer would be counting on me. (I know, Grandma.)

Speaking of which, I will admit that I have been a tad bit anxious about starting this new job. It's been almost nine years since I've started a new job and when I was the new hire. Before AlphaGraphics (the old job), the longest I've held a job was Golden Corral in Garner when I was in high school and college (NCSU). That was from September 1989 to May 1995. I had a series of jobs (as well as graduating from culinary school in 1997) from 1995 to when I was hired at AlphaGraphics in 1999. I was sort of used to changing jobs then.

To ease some of the anxiety I've been experiencing, I even sent a friendly email to one of the managers at AlphaGraphics just to share some of what I've been feeling and to thank him as well. Again, this is all new to me again. Ten years ago, I was used to changing jobs....and many things in my life have changed in the past ten years (with the exception of a job) such as the death of my Dad, etc. as well as getting to know many more people in my life who've influenced me, etc. I also went digital in regards to photography as many of you kind readers know! (More stress, huh?)

Well, I'll close this post for now. I've got a big day ahead of me tomorrow (Monday the 12th) since it's my first day at the new job. My immediate supervisor is excited about me coming aboard....and I need to give them my best and not worry - even though the commute is five miles further. But, that's okay for now. I just need to take it one day at a time.

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