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27 March 2006

I'm Still On...

Okay, I'm a LIAR...I'm not in the bed yet. I still want to write. I still have these anger, resentment, and jealousy issues which need to be dealt with. I think I am trying to rob myself of the peace, joy, and happiness in my life. Probably I actually am tired and need to take care of myself as well as really spend more time with God through reading the Bible, prayer, etc. I don't do that often enough. I will learn someday and someday I will.

I'm off this time. The bed is still screaming out my name...and I need to get my REST!

G- <><

Friends and Life...Tired of Them???

It's late so I won't write much even though I would like to write, write, and write. But, I won't. Time to go to bed. However, I do want to say that in a sense I'm angry with people and life in general. I know that's not good to say and it isn't good to dwell on the negative aspects of life as well as how people (myself included) can be such jerks. At least, that's my impression. I can get so angry thinking of how people can seem so fake. Again, that's my impression and I need to have a better perspective on handling this.

I still wonder who is my friend. Are they using me in trying to gain something? Can they be trusted? Are they worthy of my service to them? Actually, they are. God laid down His life and plan for us to believe in Him so that we will live forever with Him in Heaven...as long as we believe that Jesus is the One and Only way to Heaven. (John 3:16) God does forgive and as a Christian, I need to incorporate His ways into my life more each and every day...including on how to deal effectively with people!

Well, I said this will be short and it is. The bed is screaming out my name!

G- <><

PS--The bruise under my right arm is still there. I almost wonder if it's a sign of me getting ready to die or something since I still don't know how it got there.

26 March 2006

Time for a Short Nap??? I'm Tired!

I just came home from church about an hour ago. I am so tired and my back hurts! There's also a bruise on my side under my arm which I am not sure how it occurred. Yesterday was busy in trying to burn the HUGE brush pile in the back part of the lot (yard). Praise God that the pile is gone except for ashes.

Well, it's time to take a very short nap before heading back to church in the evening for the youth ministry. I'll be taking pictures for it. Hope I don't oversleep! I know I could be doing more digital photo work and other things. But, I need the nap because I feel a little bit short-tempered. I'll write more later.

G- <><

24 March 2006

Thinking of Life, ETC...

I'm not going to write much since I'm tired and ready to go to bed. I've had another long and "hard" day at work. God is really blessing me. He is taking care of my anger issues as long as I let Him. There are some times (very recent as well) in which I resent other people, including numerous friends and family members. Sorry, I won't go into detail, but there are times which I just don't feel as though I completely belong. It hurts and I am taking it as a fact of life and that life isn't fair. It's not all what it's cracked up to be. I've realized that as I've gotten older. I think there's more to learn too.

Until next time,
G- <><

PS--I did have dinner with a friend of mine after work at TEXAS Steakhouse and Saloon in Morrisville. We've been trying to have dinner for a while. I will admit that it seemed as though he was blowing me off on numerous occasions.

21 March 2006

Random Picture at Church on March 12th, 2006

Just a random picture while at church...

2005-06 NYE Pic

This is me at the 2005-06 New Year's Eve party with friends...and I did have some bubbly. It was a nice and fun time! (I'm just testing out some features here on the site.)

More Thinking...and Wasting Time!

Here I am at work getting ready to leave. It's been a crappy day outside with the rain and colder temperatures. And just think! Today's the first day of spring! What irony! It feels more like early January than late March. There were high temps in the 80's earlier this month. This earth is getting so wicked in so many ways it seems. Oh well. More on THAT later!

Oh, speaking of rain, my car is having its wonderful (and cursed) leak on the driver's side behind the seat...in front of the back seat. I love leaks! Yeah, right.

Maybe spring will finally come in full bloom...but there is something good, though. We did need the rain since we're in a drought still. So, God's looking after us after all.

Anyway, I need to go now and drive home.

G- <><

20 March 2006

Just Thinking...

Alright, I know I need to be in the bed asleep or doing e-mail and/or digital photography rather than viewing what I have on http://www.myspace.com/ and checking out to see what friends I have there. Bummer!

It is disappointing when I can't find some people on whom I already know offline. But, it will take time.

Oh, it's been a busy day at work and beyond. Working OT has been okay overall...just seems like I've been not getting off on time, but that's okay. My anger issues aren't acting up like they were. Praise God!!! (More later on that.)

This past weekend was good, too. Yesterday (Sunday, March 19th) I went to church (http://www.c3church.org/) and did the usual photography I do for them. I am so blessed and thankful that I been able to do photography for the church. I'm not sure if I'll still be able to do photography like I have been doing for various Christian singles groups in the Raleigh Area like I have for the past four years. It's mostly volunteer and I don't get paid, but that is fine too.

However, now I'm wanting to gear myself into trying to do more professional photography and get PAID to do so. I already do it some, but not enough. I actually don't have much time or energy as I used to for the photography I do on a volunteer basis.

Well, I must go now. Keep me in thought!

G- <><

19 March 2006

What's my four things???

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Bindery Assistant / Delivery Personnel (1999 to present)
2. Catering Assistant (1995 to 1999)
3. Culinary Cook (1996, 1998)
4. Digital Photographer (Many years, but actually 2002 to present)

Four movies you would watch over and over
1. Fried Green Tomatoes
2. Napoleon Dynamite
3. It's a Wonderful Life
4. Duplex

Four places you have lived:
1. Wilmington, NC
2. Garner, NC
3. Oak Island, NC
4. Raleigh, NC

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Still Standing
2. Out of Practice
3. My Name is Earl
4. (I'm not sure if there is a fourth.)

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Cuba (on a mission trip)
2. Ecuador (on a mission trip)
3. Canada
4. California

Four websites I visit daily:
1. http://www.ebay.com/ (to check on International Scouts)
2. http://public.fotki.com/rettaman
3. http://www.myspace.com
4. ???

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chicken
2. Chicken
3. Chinese
4. Have I said "Chicken" already?

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Heaven
2. Heaven
3. With my dad...who's in Heaven
4. Have I said "Heaven" already?

Four things I always carry with me:
1. My wallet
2. My keys - two sets!
3. Hanky
4. Other stuff

Who is REALLY my friend? (Part One)

I just came back from a wedding in Wilson, NC for a friend of mine who I knew in college (NCSU) back in the early to mid 1990's. I haven't seen this friend in years and it was so nice to be invited to their wedding. It sort of sucks when I have known a few people for years and see them on a basis and then I hear they're getting married....but, I'm not on the list. I actually hate it when a mutual friend asks me if I'm going to a wedding of which I'm not invited to. That ticks me off! I also despise it when a friend of mine sends me (along with many other people) a "happy" e-mail message to tell me they're getting married and even asks me to take pictures for them and when I contact them about the pictures, they change their mind and don't invite me even though they let me know the other details. Talk about RUDE!!! Oh well. I need to go now. It's getting late and I need to go to bed.

G- <><

18 March 2006

Blogs and Privacy for Me??? (Umph!)

Oh, I just thought about something. Even though a few of you probably know me and know that I sometimes share quite a bit of things via e-mail, etc...I'm still not going to do a public blog for the entire online world to know my pet peeves, frustrations, anger points, etc. I already post my photographs and that is probably enough for the online world to know! :-) (Heck! I've still got to have "some" privacy, right?)

G- <><

Another Site, Another Part of Me???

Yo! Yo! I finally got a space here! Yeah! I guess this particular site space makes about four or five I already have and don't actually use. But, I do use the photo sites I've got since I am a digital photographer. Below are the photo sites. Enjoy looking at the pics and God bless!

http://public.fotki.com/rettaman (PREFERRED)



Until next time,
G- <><

The Wave Swinger at the 2008 NC STATE FAIR on October 19th...


Sign by Dealighted - Coupons and Deals

Christmas 2009 Countdown!

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...