Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club
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27 March 2006

Friends and Life...Tired of Them???

It's late so I won't write much even though I would like to write, write, and write. But, I won't. Time to go to bed. However, I do want to say that in a sense I'm angry with people and life in general. I know that's not good to say and it isn't good to dwell on the negative aspects of life as well as how people (myself included) can be such jerks. At least, that's my impression. I can get so angry thinking of how people can seem so fake. Again, that's my impression and I need to have a better perspective on handling this.

I still wonder who is my friend. Are they using me in trying to gain something? Can they be trusted? Are they worthy of my service to them? Actually, they are. God laid down His life and plan for us to believe in Him so that we will live forever with Him in Heaven...as long as we believe that Jesus is the One and Only way to Heaven. (John 3:16) God does forgive and as a Christian, I need to incorporate His ways into my life more each and every day...including on how to deal effectively with people!

Well, I said this will be short and it is. The bed is screaming out my name!

G- <><

PS--The bruise under my right arm is still there. I almost wonder if it's a sign of me getting ready to die or something since I still don't know how it got there.

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