Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club
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19 March 2006

Who is REALLY my friend? (Part One)

I just came back from a wedding in Wilson, NC for a friend of mine who I knew in college (NCSU) back in the early to mid 1990's. I haven't seen this friend in years and it was so nice to be invited to their wedding. It sort of sucks when I have known a few people for years and see them on a basis and then I hear they're getting married....but, I'm not on the list. I actually hate it when a mutual friend asks me if I'm going to a wedding of which I'm not invited to. That ticks me off! I also despise it when a friend of mine sends me (along with many other people) a "happy" e-mail message to tell me they're getting married and even asks me to take pictures for them and when I contact them about the pictures, they change their mind and don't invite me even though they let me know the other details. Talk about RUDE!!! Oh well. I need to go now. It's getting late and I need to go to bed.

G- <><

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