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10 March 2008

GREG-ORY'S Pictures from his Vacation to Key West and Marco Island in January!!!

I hope this finds you kind readers doing extremely well, rested, etc. Are you adjusting to the time change??? I'm not. I almost wish that Daylight Saving Time could be year-round...or not even observed. It seems as though this year the time change is earlier...and it is! Anyway, maybe I'll share more about the time change, etc. in a post on the blog....which has gone under some changes itself recently.

I just want to let you know that I have the pictures from my trip to Key West and Marco Island in January (about six weeks or so ago) all edited (for the most part...I don't need to stress myself out too much in trying to get every single photo balanced in lighting, etc....) and uploaded for you to view. I've already let the friends who went on the trip with me see the pictures first even though I did have a few pictures on my FACEBOOK profile page and those of you who are my FACEBOOK friends might've seen those particular ones???

Well, here's the link for you to click on in order to view the pictures....

There are about five hundred or so pictures and I've got them organized by DAY so viewing them can be EASIER for you. There are a few days which I didn't take too many pictures. There weren't any taken on Sunday, January 13th and there weren't many taken on Monday the 14th because of driving so much and I was getting very tired of the highways. I took a photo break on Friday evening the 18th. In fact, on the day I got sick (Saturday, January 19th) it seems as though the pictures abruptly end and they do because I was very ill and.....well, you get the point. One of my friends got the camera from my bag and took some pictures....so, there are even more pictures which I probably wouldn't even have possession of if it weren't for my friend. I still wish I did get a picture of me holding an alligator, though. Maybe next time if there ever will be.

I hope you enjoy the pictures and I'll be in contact with some of you again later in regards to some pictures I've taken of other things for Providence Singles events, C3, family/friends, etc. I've spent the last several hours trying to "reorganize" some of my digital pictures and I will say that some of it HAS been overwhelming. It seems as though I've literally have hundreds of pictures which I still need to filter through and also resize and upload, etc. Some of them date back to early last year and even a few from the year before. I will say that I'm not quite as disciplined at doing the photography as I used to be. Maybe a few of you might've noticed that already? Hopefully, I'll get better again and not allow other things in life distract me, etc.

Well, I need to go now. But, before I do, I did mention something about the (this) blog. It was http://gregory-edward-johnson.blogspot.com before, but it's been changed to http://rettaman.blogspot.com and depending on other circumstances and my personal decisions, etc., I might change it again. I've been trying to revise and reorganize it because within the past month, I've used it more of a vent for me...and some of the posts probably don't depict me in a positive manner. I'll not say more. I do want to try to set up a blog just for the Vacation to Key West and Marco Island, though...and maybe I'll do that sooner than later.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope you'll have a great week! Be blessed! Until next time...

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