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09 January 2008

The "D.Y." at my Job...

I would like to share with you about a co-worker of mine...except to say that he's a Damn Yankee. True, there are people from the Northern States who do work where I do...and all of them (except Damn Yankee) are relatively nice and such. Everyone can be a jerk at times...however, Damn Yankee seems to be a jerk all of the time.

He's obnoxious, loud, and sweats profusely. He puts down the South and all of its ways, including sweet tea and the weather and how of a person in the South wears coats when it's wintertime when he thinks they should be wearing shorts! He says that the Civil War was an act of courtesy on the Northerners' part and that the North really owns the South....and of how Southerners are actually foreigners in their own land. Well, well, now.

I actually have been sort of "promoted" to bindery manager at my job...so I think? With that, I'm "supervising" Damn Yankee. I guess I could fire him??? Maybe. He certainly doesn't seem to respect the work position I'm in. He makes my job harder!!! Damn Yankee is very offensive in many ways, more than I can list here.

But, I'll close this post for now, except to mention to you about Damn Yankee. Hope I don't offend you!!! :-) (I also do have many friends who aren't natives of NC....some who will be reading this post. Hopefully, they're still be my friends after reading this post!)

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