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19 May 2010

Remembering Petey - R.I.P. - May 19th, 1985 @ 1:55 PM

Even though it's been twenty-five years since Parvo took you from us after you graced us with your presence for only two months, you're still in thought.

I remember when I got you with my Dad from the Starway Flea Market in Wilmington in late March of 1985. (I think my Dad drove the Scout to get you.) You were the runt of the litter and you literally won over our hearts...especially my sister's. You actually were allowed in the house and that was a FIRST!!! No pet we had could ever be allowed in the house, but you were.

I remember that you actually were taken to Wallace for Easter and I think everybody loved you. I remember how you loved to chase the tennis balls I threw to you. I remember when you got sick and my Dad tried his best to get the vets to make you well. I remember the day you died. I was swimming with a friend of mine (Jeff Wiggs) at the KOA campground in Ogden and when I got home, my parents told me you died. I literally was hurt and felt lost. I cried very hard. I was only twelve at the time. Little would I know what the next twenty-five years would hold...including my family moving away from Wilmington to Garner as well as several deaths of family members (including Dad).

Even though you were just a puppy, you did hold a special place in our lives for a couple of months. So, today, you're back in my thoughts again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! had a similar experience with my dog Lyndon a white boxer.He passed away from cancer in 2009. He was the love of mine and my partners life. Our neighbors gave us a 7 month old boxer we have named Kennedy. We love Kennedy and have spoiled him rotten as he has spoiled us too,we finally can look back at the life of Lyndon our white Boxer and see how much we learned from him. We also know he keeps guard over us and cant wait to get to Rainbow Bridge where we will see him again.Last year I lost my grandmother she was 96 and we especially miss her coconut and Fruit cakes during this time of the year. I am a friend of Angie Bryants and I saw your comments on her picture of the snow. Just wanted to share this with you. Thanks for taking the time to read my comments. Keep writing, hope you dont mind if i come here from time to time to reflect in your blog. Thanks, Gerald Buss

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