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28 November 2008

THANKSGIVING 2008: What I'm Thankful For...

Thanksgiving Day 2008 has already come and passed even though the weekend hasn't...yet. As I was sitting in my uncle's den on Thanksgiving Day, I made an intentional effort to think of several things I'm thankful for (and no, I didn't write them down until now). I've got them in a list...and I've never really actually made a list like this. (Well, maybe I have at some point in my life.)

1) Family - Where would I be without them??? Yes, I know that many of us do take various family members for granted and I am guilty of that as well. Even though my Dad is deceased, I still have my Mom as well as her Mom (who's 93) and a host of other family members who have been there for me. There have been a few "tests and trials" lately and I almost am concerned about what the next year will bring.

2) Friends - Where would I be without them??? There are times in which I feel as though I have been forgotten and would much rather be gone, but again that's selfish of me to think that, right? I really wish I could strengthen some friendships which might be weak because at times I think some relationships might be too far gone to repair. I might have more friends than I actually think I do???

3) Job - In light of this current economic downfall, I ought to be thankful for a job!!! It's not perfect, but it's a job and there are many people who are unemployed these days. A job can teach discipline and responsibility as well as delayed gratification and many other skills and traits which can further oneself in life. ("A job is better than no job at all.")

4) Health - I may be in my mid-thirties at the time of this note, but I really am relatively healthy overall with a few exceptions. Yet, I still am able to do many things...such as walk, type, drive, etc. I’m not relying on prescription medications for various things even though in the past I have - such as depression. (Could thinning hair be under the "health" setting?)

5) Faith - I know lately I have been lacking in this area and I've probably caused some unhealthy thoughts and patterns enter my life which may be "un-Christian-like" to some, but all of us aren't perfect, are we??? As a professing Christian, I know I should rely on the Lord more and have done so in the past. But, this is the present and not the past. The future has yet to come!!!

6) Life - I'm still alive, aren't I??? True, death for a Christian is victory, but I guess that's it's better to be alive than not. I can't lie, though...it would be good to leave this earth. (Maybe that's showing a lack of Faith? Therefore, it's good to have Faith and again, this is one of the reasons why I'm doing this list so I can think of what to be thankful for.)

7) Photography - Am I really thankful for this??? Yes. True, there are times in which I resent it even though I've asked for it and I hope that I'm NOT offending anyone by saying that. But, it has been a joy and it's been good to share it with others even though at times I do wish I had organized it better....especially to the point of establishing an authentic business with it.

8) Anything Else???

I know I could elaborate MORE on the list and even add more things of what I'm thankful for, but not now. Maybe later??? I just wanted to at least stimulate me to think of what to be thankful for and to really make an effort to do so...and I hope that I'll be constantly reminded of these things. Maybe I won't be so tempted to complain even though I might not be vocal about it.

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