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30 October 2008

911 at the Waffle House...

I witnessed something which I really have never witnessed before when I went to the Waffle House near my current place of employment last evening (Wednesday, October 29th) for a meal break from my "second-shift" job. One of the two employees there actually collapsed/passed out. This particular employee was the cashier/server and the other employee was the cook.

Anyway, I usually go to the Cracker Barrel near my job or maybe to the KFC/Taco Bell with little variation. However, I decided to go to the Waffle House. It's strange that I decided to go to the Waffle House....and this makes the second time this month as well as the second time period since I've been at my current job. (I began working there in May...as I've mentioned before in previous blog posts, etc.) Again, to be at the Waffle House at this particular time???

Well, I placed my order with the server (whose name I won't share due to privacy concerns) and I received my meal - which was a sirloin steak with hashbrowns and Texas Toast (and sweet tea). I also was to receive a garden salad, but after what occurred....I just let it go.

A moment after I received my meal, the server was helping another customer with their ticket. (There weren't many customers in the Waffle House at this particular time.) I looked down at my meal for a blessing...and the next thing I knew the server slumped over and fell backwards.

Fortunately, those of us in the Waffle House weren't in a panic and another called 911 on their cell phone since the phone line at the restaurant wasn't working properly. Another customer went behind the counter to help the server (who was breathing, but seemed unconscious). The cook was trying the best they could do too.

All the while I was wondering how I could help too...and I didn't want to eat my meal then because I thought it would be extremely rude for me to do so. All of us waited until the paramedics came which was about five to seven minutes after the call. The server was able to respond to the paramedics even though I could tell the server was not doing well. I still didn't eat my meal at that point because I wanted to be out of the paramedics' way. I (along with someone else) did help them with the door when they rolled the server out on a stretcher.

There was still a concern about who to contact in regards to helping the cook out on the shift...and some of the same "Good Samaritan" customers (who were probably regulars) started calling other Waffle Houses (I assume) and what seemed like fifteen minutes or so, about three other Waffle House employees showed up to help. I had already eaten my meal by that time and was ready to pay, but couldn't until someone else showed up. There also were a few people who were turned away when they went inside to order a meal due to the activity.

Fortunately, I did pay after waiting a little bit longer (but I'm not complaining at all and should not). I just pray that this server will be doing well....and since I work near this particular Waffle House, I'll be going back and probably will be asking about this server.

Oh, another interesting thing to note...one of my co-workers (who helps me with my job during the second shift) actually knows this server. I told him about what occurred and he asked if this server was "so-and-so" and I said yes. You see, my co-worker has a day job and he has a route and at times he stops by the Waffle House since it's part of his route. He told me that he'll be checking up to see how this server is...and I hope so.

Well, I guess I better close this post/note...but, before I do go, I have wondered at times what would occur if I were to collapse or have a medical emergency at MY job. There are at times in which I am the only employee at my job from the hours 10 PM to 12 or 1 AM. (It varies.) I've been there by myself a few times lately and to be honest with you, that has concerned me especially after knowing what occurred with this server. But, I'll not discuss my own concerns about all of that now in this post/note. I can't let myself worry about that, should I???

1 comment:

Gregory E. "Rettaman" Johnson said...

I decided to go back to the Waffle House last evening (Thursday the 30th) - since it's past 1:15 AM as I type this I guess I can't say it's tonight, right? I did get a chance to see the server who collapsed. They actually seemed okay/fine. That's a praise!

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