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30 September 2008

Remembering Dad - Four Years Later...and a Quick Update on Greg's "New" Job

I hope this finds you doing well. It's been a while since I've updated some of you (except for those of you who are connected to me via FACEBOOK / TWITTER, etc.) about my "new" job....and this week (today) probably would be one of the best times to do so since September 30th marks the four year anniversary of my Dad's death from lung/brain cancer around 3:55 AM. (September 30th will forever be etched in my memory...maybe.)

In a way it seems like it hasn't been FOUR years. But, it has been. I can't lie, but there have been many changes since that time and it's good to know that my Mom, Sister & Her Family, etc. have "survived" Dad's death even though there have been a few times within the past few months when it certainly didn't seem easy - in spite of the time since Dad died. Oh well. Also, now looking back at it, I think my Dad died during a very beautiful time of the year - FALL. Just a few weeks ago, my Mom purchased some mums to set in some of her shrubs and her yard looks more highlighted now than it has in years. Looking at those mums reminded me of the mums and all of the other flowers we received when Dad died. (When Dad died, the leaves on the trees weren't quite changing into their colorful phases, but they were within a few weeks.)

Also - FOUR years...what does that mean? Every four years the Olympics are celebrated as well as a Presidential Election and Leap Year. Ironically, all of that is this year - again....and, no, I’m not going to start discussing politics, etc. or even Michael Phelps. Ha! It sort of means to me that another season of time has passed and will continue to go on regardless of what occurs. Change in life occurs and life continues...and that really can be refreshing when one thinks about that, right?

(I don't know what the next four years will bring...and I don't want to know! Also, ironically, my Dad died a little over four years after his Mom - my Grandma Adell - died. She died in August of 2000 and my Dad's Dad died in July of 1995. I still think it's weird that my Dad died a little over nine years after HIS Dad died. In a way, I wonder when I'm going to die. Okay, maybe I shouldn't.)

Anyway, I'll be quiet about that now and give you a quick update on my "new" job even though it's not so new anymore. I started on May 12th and I think the last update about the job was around May 21st during my second week before I started working second shift (and had my weekly social/ministry activities at night stop). Now, it's almost FIVE months!!! I'm still extremely thankful that I did decide to take the job and I do not have any regrets even though my nights now are busy with me working and not doing social or ministry things. Fortunately, during the summer, the second shift schedule was altered so that Friday nights were off with the "second shifters" only working four hours on Fridays, but nine hours Monday through Thursday. The week of July 4th was even more altered and I was able to even do some things at night during that particular week. Very, very nice!! I really liked the summer schedule (with the abbreviated Fridays) and wasn't looking forward (too much) when that schedule ended because I was able to maintain some sort of social life even on Friday nights.

Now (since late August), I'm working 3:30 PM to midnight (or even later) Monday through Friday...and that's cool. I will say that I'm very glad that I do a lot of FACEBOOKING because that way I can at least keep in contact with other people even though it's not as personal as "face-to-face" contact. (Again, my social interaction with friends and other people has changed greatly since I started this job...but, that's okay and fine with me for now. I have NO regrets!!! I am still thankful that I was offered this job and will hope to continue my employment with them for years to come. By the way, the company that I work for is a direct competitor of my former employer....and, that's why I haven't shared the name of my current employer. Some of you do know the name, though.)

As far as what I've been doing during the day before going to work...well, this summer I was able to help my Mom some with various things...and spend some time with my nephews. Now, unfortunately, I've allowed my sleep schedule to become even more wacky and at times I don't go to bed until 5 AM only to sleep until 12 noon...or later. (That does depend exactly what time I get off from my job.) Fortunately, I do feel more rested for most of the time now.

Well, I probably do need to go now. Time to do some FACEBOOKING, etc....or sleeping! I'll write more later about the job when time allows. But, in the meantime, please feel free to check out any of my blog sites (including the "microblog" - TWITTER - ones). I will say that I'm better at updating those particular sites than at doing email. I use them at least one of them daily if not more. So, if any of you want to know more of what's going on in my life, check those sites out. Below are the links...and my photo sites aren't included (since they're not necessarily blogs, etc.)....and I'm not including EVERY site link.



Or...if you really want to be bold, type in "Gregory E. Rettaman Johnson" at http://www.google.com and see what results you get. (Be sure to type in "Rettaman" though!!!)

I'll be in contact with you again later. I'm sure I'm forgetting something which I would want to share, but if so, I probably might do it at my main blog site (http://rettaman.blogspot.com). For those of you who are my FACEBOOK friends, I know I'll be in contact with you again sooner than later.

PS - Even though my social interaction during the week might be limited at night, one of the good things is that I've started becoming sort of a regular at the Cracker Barrel near my job. Fortunately, a friend of mine (whom I knew before I started my current job) is a cashier there. When I went into the Cracker Barrel one evening, my friend spotted me and called out my name. That was a good feeling! I've been back many, many times. I also can't lie when I say that the Cracker Barrel serves up some good food!

PSS - As far as my former employer, I've limited my contact with them...especially since I work for a direct competitor now....and that's all I'm going to say at this moment. (Some of you do know that I had a run-in with them during the summer, though.)

PSSS - As far as my photography, I'm still doing it as some of you know. I can't lie when I say that it was coming close to burning me out some this year, but my interest is picking back up. Yay!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hey! Heard word of you from a bird or two. Neat blog. I'd love to do more blogging myself, but I can only seem to manage the one I'm forced to keep for an action research grad class. Did stay diligent while I studies abroad in Africa a few years back though. Anyway, I have to enter in some students for IEP meetings and finish up a paper for a class tomorrow night, but I'll find some time to shoot you an email soon! Have a great week!
PS: A Christmas countdown already? Seems like that was just yesterday! Where does the time go!!

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Sign by Dealighted - Coupons and Deals

Christmas 2009 Countdown!

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...