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26 July 2008

Sunset Boulevard, Norma Desmond, and ME, yes...ME!!! (Pardon the pun!)

I just watched the American film noir classic "Sunset Boulevard" starring Gloria Swanson as past-her-prime silent film star Norma Desmond. I've been wanting to watch SB for almost a year now (since around September 28th, 2007)...and I even thought about purchasing it online from http://www.amazon.com/, but never did.

Fortunately, I was at a Borders Bookstore in Raleigh for a Christian Singles outing last evening (Friday, July 25th) and came across a discount sale of DVD's and CD's. There were a few movies in the bin and I picked up a few only to have the "Sunset Boulevard" title catch my eye. I was like, "I've got to get this!!!" I did...I purchased two of the SB movies on sale. The price was definitely less expensive than what Amazon offered.

Well, I returned home from the outing and put the movie in my DVD player...and voila!, I began watching the movie as I was still online doing what-not and stuff. (I will be looking at the movie closer again and again.) The movie ended a few minutes before this blog post started.

I'm not going to give you a synopsis of the movie, but I will tell you that I'm glad that I *finally* did watch it...and the plot is both sad and ironically funny. To see Norma Desmond unfold is sort of strange. Her facial expressions really captured me.

Stranger still, I almost can see some of Norma Desmond in me...and that's not too good. However, I'm not anywhere as rich as she nor as insane. I might be as narcissistic in the unhealthy way??? (Yeah, right! Ha!) I might be as almost as paranoid, but not as depressed. (Honest?) I can't lie when I say that I can see some of Norma Desmond in other people...and seeing SB has been a comic relief for me because I've been dealing with some of the "Norma Desmond" issues lately. (I'm not really mocking SB....just trying to relate to it???)

Anyway, sorry to be short in this post and I must go now...so, I'll close. I've got to get ready for my close-up! (Okay, sleep.)

PS - I will say that Norma Desmond was filthy rich, but wasn't happy. I guess that money isn't everything, right? (Still, what a lifestyle! Car phones back in the early 1950's!?!?)


BOTTOM LINE: If any of you readers want a chuckle at a movie that's not really a comedy, but still want to appreciate a genuine film noir classic, see "Sunset Boulevard" when you can. I give it four-and-a-half out of five stars.

19 July 2008

What's Up (Or Down) With Dying Classic Ballparks These Days???

I just read on the Internet that Billy Joel had a farewell concert at Shea Stadium...and it's a farewell to Shea Stadium, NOT Billy Joel himself!!! (Even Paul McCartney was there with Billy...and was there in the early days of Shea when he was with the Beatles.)

In other words, Shea Stadium (in New York City) is in its last inning....so to speak. That comes on the heels of Yankee Stadium (also in NYC, where else?) being in its last days as well. And, how irony will have it, Tiger Stadium in Detriot, which hasn't been used since 1999 for any major league baseball game with the exception of a few other minor activities (including a movie set role), is in its demolition phase this very month.

As I've mentioned on my FACEBOOK profile, I did go to a baseball game at Tiger Stadium in July of 1987 when my Boy Scout troop (at the time) went to summer camp in Canada and stopped in Detriot for the ballgame. I didn't have a digital camera at the time (who did???), but I did take a few pictures when I was at the game....one of which is above.

I find it very interesting to read on the Internet within a week to find out the demise of these three ballparks. Of course, they're being replaced (or have been replaced - by the Comerica Park in Tiger Stadium's case in 2000) by newer and more modern venues (New Yankee for Yankee and Citi Field for Shea)....so, it's not like the teams are entirely folding up and leaving town. It just seems as though it's very weird to know that these historic stadiums are literally going up (or should I say down?) in dust. It's been jaw-dropping for me because less than a week ago, I found out about the final days of both Tiger and Yankee Stadiums. And now, Shea!

Oh well...such is life...and death of older ballparks. Fortunately, the circa 1939 Durham Athletic Park (former home of the Durham Bulls until 1995) is still around and will continue to be. Without really mentioning it, that was where the movie "Bull Durham" was filmed....and before Kevin Costner starred in another baseball-themed movie "Field of Dreams" a couple of years later. (Not in Durham, but in a cornfield.)

Since I'm in the Raleigh-Durham area, I've been to a few Durham Bulls baseball games both at the DAP (Durham Athletic Park) as well as the newer ballpark (the Durham Bulls Athletic Park - DBAP). Fortunately, the Carolina Mudcats are in the area as well and I've been to a few of their games as well. Their field really seems more like the field in Kevin Costner's movie "Field of Dreams" because it almost seems like it's in the middle of nowhere. They've been around since 1991 and they actually rebuilt their ballpark around 1999-2000...I think.

Obviously, both the Bulls and Mudcats are in the minor leagues, not the majors...but, I still enjoy going to their games. With the exception of the Detriot Tigers game in July of 1987 and a Los Angeles Dodgers game (at Dodger Stadium, where else?) in June of 2003, I haven't been to any other major league baseball game. Sometime in my life, I was hoping to make it to one of the other classic ballparks such as Shea or Yankee, but I guess I waited too long.

Hopefully, Wrigley Field in Chicago or Fenway Park in Boston won't bite the dust or meet the wrecking ball anytime soon! (It would be nice to go to either one of them before their or my time is up.)

08 July 2008

Remembering Jesse Helms in December of 1990...

During my senior year in high school, I had the chance to participate in the Close-Up Foundation of Washington, DC. I had been to Washington before in the fall of 1985 for a Boy Scout troop trip, so this time would be my second visit to the nation's capitol. I'll spare you the details of what Close-Up is and what it's about. Just go to their web site. (Thanks!)

Anyway, my trip was in December of 1990...and I (along with several other classmates from my high school) were able to go to Washington for this experience. We also went to Williamsburg, VA during the week...which was during school and we missed classes!

We participated in round table discussions, etc. It's been almost eighteen years since the trip so I might be missing a few things exactly what we did...but I did take pictures!!! They were from a film camera, not a digital one. Hopefully, they can jog my memory some.

Well, to make a long story short, one of the pictures is of me and the late Senator Jesse Helms. (Picture above.)

During my visit to Washington in December of 1990, the other classmates from my high school actually had a professional group picture taken with Mr. Helms with the infamous "NO" stamp. Unfortunately, I was busy sight-seeing at the Smithsonian and missed the picture. I arrived late and had to suffice with getting a picture of me with Mr. Helms....the one above.

As you kind readers already know, Mr. Helms passed away last week on July 4th, 2008 at the age of 86. (Yes, the Fourth of July! Thomas Jefferson and John Adams also died on the Fourth of July.) He served as a North Carolina Senator from January 3rd, 1973 (the year I was born) until January 3rd, 2003....thirty years! I remember growing up hearing about Jesse Helms and how he was against so many things, etc. In fact, I think he invented the word, "NO." He was a highly outspoken (and even contraversial) conservative and one who held his stand strong. Obviously, not everyone agreed with Mr. Helms. (I didn't totally....and I still don't agree with everything on the face of this earth.)

No, I'm not going to make this post into a political stand or whatever, but just one back to December of 1990 when I was able to meet Mr. Helms in person during my trip to Washington, DC with the Close-Up Foundation.

Mr. Helms' funeral services are today (July 8th) in Raleigh, NC at Hayes-Barton Baptist Church at 2 PM followed by a private burial.

Rest in peace, Mr. Helms...you'll be missed.

The Wave Swinger at the 2008 NC STATE FAIR on October 19th...


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