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28 June 2008

Cold shoulder, silent treatment do more harm than good - Psychology at Purdue

After dealing with some rude treatment and the cold shoulder (from an undisclosed source), I began to feel physically ill last evening (Friday, June 27th) and didn't know if it was due to the shock I received or if it was caused by something I ate. Fortunately, today (Saturday, June 28th), I feel better now and decided to key in "cold shoulder" in http://www.google.com and came across the following link/article. I can definitely relate to it...I guess that being a socially reclusive homebody at times isn't bad at all despite my struggle against it at times. (It's safer!)

Cold shoulder, silent treatment do more harm than good - Psychology at Purdue

(More later.)

21 June 2008

Pleasant Family Shopping: The Fields of Food Fair

Pleasant Family Shopping: The Fields of Food Fair

Okay...it seems as though I'm tripping back to the 70's or earlier (even though I was born in 73) by searching for these strange shopping oddities of yesteryear...but it's cool. I remember when Wilmington, NC even had a J.M. Fields department store. Years later, it was remodeled into a Haverty's Furniture store. Sweet to look at pictures such as this.

Pleasant Family Shopping: Kmart - That 70's Store

Pleasant Family Shopping: Kmart - That 70's Store

Well, well....to go back to the 70's when Kmart was the height of shopping and when Wal-Mart or Target wasn't....at least in North Carolina that is!!!

19 June 2008

Oregon - Toplessness is Okay; California - Gay Marriage is Okay, But Toplessness ISN'T???

It's been a while since my last posting and I did think about posting about several things, but haven't. I will later. I just was struck by a few things in the news this week...one of which is gay couples in California getting married as well as a woman in Ashland, Oregon planning to parade topless on a bike during July 4th.

Below is the link to the online news article from the Raleigh News & Observer about this "Naked Lady"...


It's interesting to note that this woman has been advised against doing so even though there aren't ANY laws against being topless in Ashland. She's been biking topless in Ashland other days of the year. Surprising???

What's even more surprising is that this woman (Jen Moss) is from Ojai, California and it's against the law to go topless there. She's been in trouble because of it and has been harassed. She moved to Oregon not too long ago.

Again, I'm surprised that California has a law against toplessness. California just legalized gay marriage and there have been several gay couples getting hitched this week!!! All of this just puzzles me. I mean, why can't California go ahead and not have laws against toplessness??? They're already letting gay couples get married.

In a way, a part of me says to just let society have its way even though there will be hell to pay in the end. Cruel??? (What happened to the God-fearing nation of the United States? Am I God-fearing too??? Not enough probably!!!)

PS - Of course, I'm NOT condoning either toplessness or gay marriage...I'm just sort of scratching my head about this. Weird!!!

06 June 2008

The SHODDY Window Regulators on the Jeep Liberty!!!

It's been a while since I've posted last...so, here it goes...and there have been a few things which I thought about posting, but didn't. Oh well.

Anyway, I'm still working my new job. It's the fourth week and this week I started second shift. But, I'm not going to discuss that in this post. More later??? (I will say that I'm glad that I did accept the new job and feel very blessed being there.)

I will be discussing some about how wonderful my 2006 Jeep Liberty has been for me lately. (I'm waiting for lightning to strike me because I've been wanting to slap my Jeep's face if it had one. I'm glad that the Jeep isn't a person because it and I would be having a little chat by now!!!)

Yesterday (June 5th), one of the window regulators decided to die on me AGAIN!!! This makes the second time since April and the THIRD time since January when I was on my trip to Key West!!! I'm not including the time in January of 2007 a couple of weeks after I purchased the Jeep!!! That would make FOUR times since I purchased the piece of ______. (Fill in the blank with your choice of wording.)

Sorry, but I am highly frustrated with dealing with faulty window regulators of the Jeep Liberty. I did a Google search by typing in "Jeep Liberty Window Regulator" and found some forums, etc. where Chrysler really did a shoddy job with many Jeep Liberty window regulators. Just type in "Jeep Liberty Window Regulator" and search for yourself. This is very disappointing!!! I wish now I never purchased the vehicle...but, I did and other than the gas mileage, poor trade-in value, and window regulators, it's been rather decent.

Okay, I'm sure I sound as though I'm upset and things could be worse...and they could be. All of the windows could be falling down on me, but they're not...just one of them. This time, it's the front passenger side window. In April (two months ago), it was the the rear passenger side window. In January (when I was in Key West), it was the rear driver side window...and that was the same window regulator which was replaced in January of 2007!!! (Ugh! I'm gritting my teeth!) Again, I am disappointed in this and am shocked (and even comforted) to know that there are other owners/drivers of Jeep Libertys (Liberties?) which have encountered the same problem...some more frequently than mine. Ouch!!! That hurts!!!

One of the sad things about when a window regulator dies is the window falls down and doesn't get back up. It gets off the track and the vehicle is literally open even though the doors might be locked. When the rear passenger window regulator died in April, the Jeep actually was parked at a car dealership because I had test driven a used 2007 Dodge Caliber the evening before...and even drove it home. The windows of the Jeep were fine when I left. But, when I came back the next afternoon, I noticed the window problem. The Jeep was locked and again, despite that, the window was open.

Fortunately, the Jeep does have a pretty good factory alarm system. If a person were to unlock and open one of the doors with a dead window, then the horn does go off. That's good, but not comforting or ACCEPTABLE enough. Also, an open window doesn't protect the interior from rain, etc. I do praise God that I haven't had to deal with that yet!!! Goodness!!! I would be trading in the piece of junk within a week if I did deal with that!!! (Well...maybe.)

My Jeep Liberty also does have the extended factory warranty (which I purchased) so things such as this could be covered until 100,000 miles (or six years)....but, I'll drive it to 100,000 miles first. The Jeep already has almost 31,000 miles on it already and the regular warranty would expire at 36,000 miles. I don't have any sort of warrany deductible, so that's not a problem....just the experience of dealing with this!!!

Ironically, in August of 2006, my 2001 Olds Alero (which died on me in December of 2006 after becoming a money pit - that's another story), had it's driver side window regulator fail on me...and that wasn't covered under any sort of warranty. That cost me over $400 and that car had less than 85,000 miles. (Only if I had the extended warranty on THAT lemon!!!)

I guess I know what I'll be doing this coming Saturday. I'll be taking my current LEMON of a vehicle ONCE AGAIN to get a window regulator changed!!! Isn't this pathetic??? My!

PS - What lesson do I have to learn from this??? I know there has to be something!!!

PSS - Praise God that my (late) Dad's 1969 International Scout 800A still runs (with the exception of the doughnut gasket needing to be changed) and is intact!!! I think I'll die before it does!!!

The Wave Swinger at the 2008 NC STATE FAIR on October 19th...


Sign by Dealighted - Coupons and Deals

Christmas 2009 Countdown!

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...