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19 June 2008

Oregon - Toplessness is Okay; California - Gay Marriage is Okay, But Toplessness ISN'T???

It's been a while since my last posting and I did think about posting about several things, but haven't. I will later. I just was struck by a few things in the news this week...one of which is gay couples in California getting married as well as a woman in Ashland, Oregon planning to parade topless on a bike during July 4th.

Below is the link to the online news article from the Raleigh News & Observer about this "Naked Lady"...


It's interesting to note that this woman has been advised against doing so even though there aren't ANY laws against being topless in Ashland. She's been biking topless in Ashland other days of the year. Surprising???

What's even more surprising is that this woman (Jen Moss) is from Ojai, California and it's against the law to go topless there. She's been in trouble because of it and has been harassed. She moved to Oregon not too long ago.

Again, I'm surprised that California has a law against toplessness. California just legalized gay marriage and there have been several gay couples getting hitched this week!!! All of this just puzzles me. I mean, why can't California go ahead and not have laws against toplessness??? They're already letting gay couples get married.

In a way, a part of me says to just let society have its way even though there will be hell to pay in the end. Cruel??? (What happened to the God-fearing nation of the United States? Am I God-fearing too??? Not enough probably!!!)

PS - Of course, I'm NOT condoning either toplessness or gay marriage...I'm just sort of scratching my head about this. Weird!!!

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