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21 February 2008

The CANES Thrashed the THRASHERS 5 to 3!!! :-)

I was able to go to a hockey game this evening...and it was Raleigh's local team - the Carolina Hurricanes. I usually am NOT a big sports fan of any kind. I do like to go to the baseball games at the Carolina Mudcats or the Durham Bulls. Speaking of which, they start playing their season in a couple of months. (Is it really that time already???)

Anyway, a co-worker of mine had two tickets to give away. (I think he's a season ticket holder.) From what I do know, he couldn't go to the game and didn't want the tickets to go to waste. I actually was sort of reluctant to take them because really I was thinking about going home because this week has been exhausting at work and my body even has been telling me to get rest by aching. Not that fun!

Also, I have had something every night this week! On Sunday night, I went to an ordination service for a friend and then left for another friend's birthday celebration. On Monday night, I was at work late. On Tuesday night (my birthday), I went to a friend's "circle meeting" which he has monthly. On Wednesday night, I went to a friend's house in Durham. He had a few friends over and we went out to Champp's in Southpoint Mall for dinner. He will be moving to Fort Lauderdale, Florida this weekend and I missed out on another "goodbye" dinner held in his honor a few weeks ago. So, I really wanted to catch up with him. I'm glad I did.

Well, when this co-worker gave me these two tickets for the Canes hockey game, I then tried calling a few of my friends and hoped they were too busy or whatever and would like to go. I even made a "shout-out" on my FACEBOOK status. Ha! I know these tickets were short notice. I was given the tickets at 5 PM for the game which started at 7 PM.

When the friends I called told me they weren't able to go with me, I then almost didn't even want to even go myself. (At times, I do wonder who my friends are...and I get depressed and even jealous because I don't want any fake friends and I actually hate to lose friends because I think I'm still not over losing my dad. I'm a bit paranoid??? I don't know.) But, I did go to the hockey game....just me, myself, and I....and we had a good time! I didn't have to spend most of the time trying to hold a conversation with me and I didn't have to try to figure out what time to leave, etc. I actually was able to enjoy the game in the midst of thousands of other people - the majority of whom I did NOT know.

I don't have the opportunity to watch the hockey games at the RBC Center (where the Canes play), so I am glad I went. (I was able to watch a pre-season Canes hockey game at the RBC Center on September 21st, 2007.) I do like watching hockey in person rather than on television...and I do prefer hockey over basketball or football. With all of these university rival teams being so near each other in the Triangle, I figure the best thing to do is to NOT root for any of them....and I don't! But, there is only one hockey team in the Triangle...and you either love the Canes or you hate them.

Really, what's there to hate....especially with the good game the Canes played this evening? The Canes had a victory over the Atlanta Thrashers 5 to 3. True, that wasn't quite an upset, but the Canes did have an interesting lead in the second period. The third period was almost as good. The first period was nominal, however. But, I am more interested in the Canes hockey than NCSU or UNC or Duke basketball/football. I know that March Madness is coming up and I have tried to get into it, but I really can't. My parents never were and I used to wonder why they weren't. Oh well....it might've rubbed off on me.

Oh...I need to go now. Time to go to bed. If I didn't go to the game this evening, I probably would've tried to catch up on some digital photography. But, I'm not blessed with going to hockey games often, so I decided to take adavantage of it. :-) Also, the photography does NOT pay my bills. The full-time job which has been tiring me out this week pays my bills! Hee hee! (Just joking around even if it is the truth!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Gregory!

Thanks so much for keeping us on your mailing lsit. We enjoyed reading your entries, and please continue with means of communications, plus personal email, phone, etc. Sheri is planning on visiting with us in early April, and we are looking forward to seeing her, as it was in November when we last saw her at the family reunion.
Take care.Love, R. C. and Rae

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