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18 February 2008


Well, it's time once again to add another year to the age meter. Tomorrow (February 19th) is my 35th birthday...and in a way, I'm NOT looking forward to getting older. I wish I could boycott it. Turning 30 was not the best, but now 35?!?!?! I have to get my driver's license renewed just as I did at age 30. I won't have to get them renewed again until I'm 43. I think 35 is the start of the middle-age, is it? Lord, I hope not! But, then again, it can't be that bad. There are scores of people older than I am. Ha! Besides, my dad's Scout is four years older than I and it still runs under its own power. :-) In a way, it might even outlast me.

As for me, I'm noticing some extreme thinning of my hair up top (there, I've admitted it) as well as my gum lines receding. A couple of people have mentioned the thinning hair bit. I wasn't too amused, but I noticed that a few years ago and was more open about my feelings, slight stuttering, thinning hair, etc. I think the thinning hair now might be getting worse! (Want to see a picture? Yeah, right! I don't think so!) Once it goes, it won't come back. That goes with the gum line recession as well.

I am beginning to feel every year of my age...and maybe a few extra ones as well. Really, if I feel worse as I get older, I don't know if I want to get older. But, my maternal grandmother (Grandma) is now 92 and my mom is 61. My maternal grandfather lived to age 57. Grandma's mother lived to be a few weeks shy of her 98th birthday and her father lived to be 88. My Dad died at 61...courtesy of the %*# cancer. His parents lived to be in their late 80's/early 90's. So, if I don't die anytime soon (Lord willing), I guess I do have some "genes" which could keep me ticking and kicking along, huh?

Okay, maybe I'm making a big deal about getting older and my reluctance to do so even though I don't have any control over it. I'm sort of depressed about getting older and knowing that 35 is a cut-off mark in various circles and groups. For example, I was involved with the Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) Young Single Adult Group in Cary from 1997 until 2004. The age range was from 18 to 35. I was 24 when I started. I was 31 when I left....and that was when my Dad died. I've also noticed that my health insurance this year has actually gone up more per month. I'm in the "age 35 and up" bracket now. Goodness!

I've been wearing eyeglasses since 1988 and even had my prescription changed last year when I noticed some changes in my eyesight. I'm taking medicines for depression, heartburn, allergies, headaches, etc. If I don't take them daily, then I do pay for it...and yes, there are times in which I do skip a dose. I hate taking medicine!!! I wish I didn't have to.

But, fortunately, I'm in my mid-thirties and I still have time to think about what I've done in my life (which sort of stinks almost???) as well as try to figure out what to do next. I can't leave this earth yet, can I? Oh well.

Maybe one of the things this "thirty-something-year-old" can do is to try to still enjoy life the best he can and to let go of petty pain and aggravations which can slow him down. I will admit that lately I've been reluctant to let go of things...good and bad!

Oh, the clock on the computer just turned 12 midnight. I guess I'm 35 now, right? (Not until 7:34 AM.) Regardless, it's my birthday! Do I have plans with friends? Actually no. I've been too busy to even plan something but might try to do something in a few weeks or so even though the birthday will be history and I'll be thinking of my 36th birthday!

Just wait until February 19th, 2009 and the post then (if I'm still doing the blog...which I hope I will.)

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