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11 February 2008


Today is somewhat of a special day...I guess. My 2006 Jeep Liberty (which was bought on December 27th, 2006 with only 50 miles) now has hit the 25,000 mile mark!!! What, pray tell, have I been doing the past year, one month, and couple of weeks??? Driving??? I guess so! Ya think?

The Liberty's been driven to quite a few places since the early part of 2007. I didn't drive it only about a couple hundred miles from December 27th to the 31st of 2006. BUT!!! I will say that I've driven to the beach a few times...such as Southport, Calabash, Wilmington, Wallace, Morehead City/Atlantic Beach (same trip), Fayetteville, etc. I've also driven it to the mountains and central Piedmont...such as Jefferson, Eden, Kernersville, Newton, etc.

The Liberty's also been driven to Florida TWO times within five months of each visit. I will say that really is interesting because I literally never drove any other vehicle of mine that far...especially twice within months of each trip. Ha! The first trip to Florida (in August of 07 for a cruise) was 1,263 miles and the second one (which was the Key West vacation last month) was 2,090 miles.

Oh, I guess you also have to factor in my daily work commute from Garner to Cary. That's 40 miles round trip at least five times a week!!! Then you add in church and other events/activities....I guess that it all adds up, huh? (All that with an average gas mileage of a "not-so-good-or-so-bad" 18 MPG.)

But, I've got a JEEP, right? It will last me forever, right? I pray so!!! (My dad's 1969 Scout with only 87,000 miles still is here...and has been since 1977. The Scout has outlasted practically everything else and maybe the Liberty.) Really, I do hope the Liberty will last "forever" because at the rate I've been driving it since December 27th of 06, it will have over 100,000 miles on it before it even gets paid completely off and I purchased the 6 year/100,000 mile warranty with it. That means I have only 75% of the warranty left now. I'll run out of miles before I run out of time. Whew!

Anyway, I suspect the Jeep will do fine, though. It's done well so far....and I will admit that I'm glad that I do have it! :-) I hope that I'll have it for many more years and miles to come....and I'm sure I'll still be taking pictures of it and even writing about it as well.

PS - Just think, on December 8th of 2007, the Liberty reached the 20,000 mile mark.

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