Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club
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25 January 2008

RAGING JERKS on the North Carolina Highways...

As I was heading into work today (Friday the 25th), I encountered a familiarity on the NC highway...and no, I'm not talking about a deer or possum. I'm talking about a jerk.

Not too far from my home, a person pulled in front of me and I had to apply my brakes quicker than usual. I kindly flashed my lights to let the person know I was there because I didn't know if the person saw me or not. I did NOT blow my horn. The person then got all raged up and started giving me OBSCENE gestures!!! When he flipped me off and slammed on his brakes, I had to slam on mine! I then returned the flip along with a loud blowing of the horn. That was when I felt this burning rage beginning to go up my back.

The JERK (not me) then started acting like he wanted to get a piece of me. I just shook it off and went along my way to work. I immediately turned on the radio to 92.5 FM (BBN - Bible Broadcasting Network) for some HOLY encouragement.

I will say that during my trip to Key West and back, I did NOT encounter road rage or jerks. I guess that one of my co-workers is right. North Carolina drivers can be some of the worse...and at times I wish I could leave this state I was born and raised in.

(I might elaborate on this post later.)

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