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16 January 2008

More Key West...

I really would like to share quite a bit in this post...but I probably won't. It's 1:20 AM on Wednesday the 16th as I type this and I probably need to go to bed soon. But, I do want to say that I'm still enjoying Key West. Tuesday was fun...we slept in late...I was tired from driving all those miles and such.

I did get my Jeep Liberty's left rear window fixed at Duncan Ford/Toyota/Dodge/Jeep, ETC. (It was the regulator.) Duncan (http://www.duncanauto.com/) is a neat dealership. It's the Southernmost Jeep dealership in the US. There are many "Southernmost Places" in Key West. I think Duncan opened in 1970 and it still has the old Plymouth sign and Plymouth went out of business in the early 2000's. I also noticed a few other automobile dealerships at Key West such as one for Buick/Chevrolet/Pontiac, etc. I guess that Key West is definitely an American city even though it has its own charm. (New Orleans is a American city as well with its own charm as well. But, I'm not in New Orleans. I was in March of 1997, though.)

Anyway, after getting the Jeep's window issue taken care of, my friends and I were going on a two-hour Jet-Ski/Waverunner tour of the entire island of Key West. But, it was actually cancelled due to the tour guide literally getting too cold (and maybe sick?) from doing two earlier tours. In a way, I'm glad that occurred. I really was wanting to tour more of downtown Key West...and we decided to rent motor scooters to tour the island and downtown.

We were in downtown (Duvall Street area...which is similar to Bourbon Street in New Orleans) on Monday evening when we arrived, but it was rather late. This time it was good to see some of it during daylight. I did take some pictures, but won't be posting them on this blog yet. I'm using the Comfort Inn's guest computer and not at my own a few hundred miles away.

We toured some shops and the waterfront where the cruise ships dock for port. There weren't any cruise ships at port this time. The waterfront has an array of artists, food stands, etc. One of the vendors said they are there 365 days a year even though this coming Thursday and Friday they won't be due to some boxing match. (That sounds strange.)

I think it's interesting that the vendors are there year-round due to the fact of the tropical climate Key West has. I can't say that about many parts of the United States. (I just checked the weather in the Raleigh area and it's 26 degrees with sleet/freezing rain in the forecast. Ha!) Even though Key West does have tropical temps, it still can get chilly in the evening and a light jacket might help, especially if you're motor-scooting around the island. Also, the concierge at the Comfort Inn lied to us. The water isn't 75 degrees...it's COLDER!!! So, I think there won't be any swimming for us.

Anyway, we went out to dinner at Hurricane Joe's (http://www.lazydogadventure.com/) across the bridge to Key West. We drove the Jeep since the ladies had fixed their hair and didn't want to drive the scooters. That was fine with me. As for dinner at Hurricane Joe's, it was a relatively expensive one for the atmosphere. We even had plastic cups to drink out of. I wasn't too impressed with Hurricane Joe's. We had problems with the dinner orders, etc. Two of my friends got some of their meal free because the salads they ordered didn't have walnuts and I couldn't get part of mine free even though I found two hairs in the dish I had. The meat was sort of dry and not the best I've had. I probably wouldn't recommend Hurricane Joe's to anyone interested in visiting Key West. Maybe I need to start complaining to people when I want something for free or want them to pay me for some of my services??? Ha! Just kidding, right? Or no? :-)

After dinner, we went back downtown for dessert at Grand Cafe Key West (http://www.grandcafekeywest.com/). We were going to Hard Rock, but they were shutting down. The desserts at Grand Cafe Key West were good. I had the Chocolate Du Jour, which is a souffle a la mode. It was good, but not as good as the one I had on my cruise in the Bahamas last August. I really liked the atmosphere at the Cafe, which is an older house that has been modified.

After desserts, we decided to walk more of Duvall Street even though it was getting past midnight. More sightseeing...and that was fine with me. I would've done more, but it was time to go back to the Comfort Inn...and to get on the computer to do this post. We're planning to do a glass-bottom boat tour and more sight-seeing of downtown.

I know I'll post again soon...at least I hope so!!! :-)

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