Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club
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08 July 2006

Surviving Family Crises...Whew!

Bummer! There's a family "crisis" today (Saturday, July 8, 2006) and I'll need to be out of town for the next day or so. I was so looking forward to being at church (http://www.c3church.org/) this weekend so I could continue taking pictures for the ministry, especially since Graebe will be speaking since the Pastor is out. But, it seems as though some of my family (who will remain nameless) LOVE to put me on guilt trips and coerce me and make me feel BAD in order to do things for them. I am so irritated of tolerating these attacks. So, I have to give in and miss out on church and take care of this "crisis" today and tomorrow.

G- <><

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