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28 March 2007

UPDATE: Greg's having an EGD done for his epigastric pain...March 28th, 2007

Hi All,

Hope this finds you doing well. This needs to be short since I have a few things to do and need to go to sleep!

Anyway, this is about my health update e-mail I sent out on March 8th...the "Midnight Visitor" one. I just want to let you know that I'll be having a procedure called an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD for short...I'm sure some of you have had it done) at 7:30 AM today (March 28th) at a gastroenterologist's office (internal medical physician) in Raleigh for more testing. (My family physician referred me and I met with the IMP on March 16th for a consultation...and he suggested the EGD.)

For the EGD, I'll be heavily sedated and even will be off from work the entire day!!! Yippee! My full-time job has been testing my sanity in the midst of other bewildering attacks and trials. No further comments now. (Oh yes...my ultrasound on March 8th proved to be fine....no gallstones, etc.)

Well, I need to go. I'll be sure to send another update soon...and I might even be a tad bit redundant. I just wanted to let you know about this procedure without going into elaborate detail in this e-mail message. That's all. Have a good day.

Gregory <><

08 March 2007

The Midnight Visitor...and Ultrasounds (Health Update)...March 8th, 2007

Hi All,

Hope this finds you doing well. I know I should be probably be doing something such as catching up on digital photo work or even telling you more about how my doctor visit on Tuesday morning, March 6th went, but I won't until I share somewhat of a more urgent concern which involved my mother and myself at home...as well as a midnight visitor....and no, I'm not talking about a rat, bat, or cat stuck inside of the house or what-not. Just read on...

I was at my computer late at night (early in the morning...24 or so hours ago) just browsing the Internet and at 12:15 AM (Wednesday, March 7th), I heard the doorbell ring. That sort of startled me. When I hear the telephone ring after midnight...and it has occurred, I'm still startled, but not as startled as I was this time hearing the doorbell ring. I immediately woke my mom up...I'm still at home...and I think I'll continue to be for a while. It's good for now. I told my mom someone rang the doorbell. Seconds later, the doorbell rang again. We then turned the hall light on and I searched the hall closet for an object like a heavy stick, but only found a dust broom. I knew something weird was going on.

My mom went to the foyer and DID NOT OPEN the door. She turned the outside lights on to see who was at the door. It was a boy in his mid-to-late teens and he kept mumbling something like...and I'll get this wrong I know, "I ain't being all religious and nuttin', but I need to use the phone to call my mom." My mom then started getting all irate at the boy and telling him to go somewhere else or she'll be the one using the phone and calling the police. (Remember, the house is still locked and the door closed. But, there are these windows on both sides of the door which aren't covered by curtains...but will be VERY soon. My mom and I could see the boy. He had on a black jacket with some turquoise striping on the sleeves. He was about six feet tall and 150 pounds. Dark hair, etc.) The boy then asked her again to use the phone. My mom told him to go to the other end of the road and ask the man in the last house to use HIS phone. The boy then asked if that guy was the police. (Actually, the man is a retired highway patrol officer.)

I then proceeded to my room where I found the keys to my Jeep and pressed the panic alarm button. The horn and lights were all crazy for a few seconds...and I then turned it back off. When I went back to the foyer, my mom was dialing 911 and the boy was running back to the road and when he got there, my mom said there were at least two other teens (one with a backpack) jumping out of the bushes and going down the street. All the while, the phone was ringing because the sheriff department was trying to call my mom to tell her that another person in the neighborhood adjacent to ours (a hop, skip, and jump away) called and panicked about a teenaged boy ringing doorbells and asking to use the phone. The sheriff department had already sent a patrol car on the scene and while my mom was talking to them, they drove by our house. The patrol car had the search lights on and continued to drive (patrol) the road for about a couple of hours. My mom and I were still up and looked outside to see if there was anything else going on. There wasn't. The person in the patrol car told my mom they couldn't find any abandoned vehicle and the teens were probably out to rob or hurt someone.

As of now, I don't know what happened to the teenaged boy and his posse. If they really needed help, they would've let the cops help them. Maybe. They still might be at large ready to attack when they feel like doing so. My mom said the boy seemed like he was hiding something in his jacket. I just don't know. But, I do know that this has NEVER occurred at home and my mom, dad, and I moved to Garner in 1986. We've always been safe and it's been almost two-and-a-half years since my dad's death. I guess now it's good that I'm still at home, right????? I say so!!

Fortunately, no one was hurt and there was no crime committed (except for trespassing). However, my mom and a few other people do think the teen and the others were out to rob or hurt someone. If they were, then they probably chickened out because they really could used a better plan such as forcing down the door and breaking windows. Oh well. (Don't get any ideas!) Maybe the boy really was in need??? Again, I just don't know.

I do want to ask you, though, to please pray for my mom. She was a little upset after this instance (even though there wasn't any injury or theft). I know that a few of you have been victims of loss from theft, robbery, and even fire. I personally do not know what that is like and I have been thinking of you. My mom and I are just trying to be extra-cautious now. Personally, I have gone to sleep (bed) with the back door unlocked...the most recent time being last week...and I FORGOT!!! I even have left a door on the storage building outside UNLOCKED before as well as the lights on inside the house. The most recent time the lights were left on was last week. Again, I FORGOT. I usually am not that stupid and don't do things such as that and am cautious, but not cautious enough. But, I do dead-bolt the back door when I'm at home by myself...and the back door is going to be dead-bolted from here on out. (Please pray for the measures of precaution my mom and I need to continue to do and even start doing more.)

Well...have I got your attention now??? Just to be careful, I probably won't be posting a blog entry about the Midnight Visitor...I could, but I'm not sure. In fact, I really wasn't sure to even share this with you. But, I did.

As for my doctor's visit on Tuesday...it went well overall. A good point of the visit was my blood pressure...which was 110/80....the same as it was on January 29th. As for the epigastric pain I've been experiencing, my doctor thinks my gallbladder could be part of the culprit....he asked me how the medication I've been taking worked, etc....and I told him it was okay, but it didn't help. Pepcid AC doesn't even help! I'm scheduled for an ultrasound today (Thursday, March 8th) at 9:30 AM at a clinic only a mile away from home. There's a new complex just across the street from the neighborhood complete with apartments, medical offices, stores, restaurants, a multiplex theater, etc. Six years ago, it was nothing but woods and a few homes. Not anymore! Talk about change. (Too bad I haven't gotten a job over "there" yet.)

Anyway, I'm not sure if the ultrasound might reveal that I have gallstones, etc. In a way, I wish I do so I can get to the culprit of my upper GI tract troubles...but, I don't need to wish something such as that. I know that this journey isn't over yet...and it's good that I'm able to share this with others. I know I could keep all this and everything to myself, but is that really healthy? Ha!

Honestly, I would share and write more, but it's getting late...and I need to go to bed. But, before I do, I need to check the house to see if it's safe. :-) Thanks for taking the time to read this...I know it's long. I'll be in contact with you again soon. Have a great day!

Gregory <><

05 March 2007

Update on my Health (and Visits to the Doctor)...March 5th, 2007

Hi All,

Hope this finds you doing well. This is sort of an update in regards to an e-mail I sent to you about my "health" on January 29th (which itself was an update of an e-mail from me dated January 25th). In it, I mentioned I was going to see my medical doctor on January 29th and have an eye exam on January 30th. Well, I did go to my doctor on the 29th and told him about the heartburn and other pain I've been having in my upper right chest, etc.

He gave me some medicine for acid reflux, etc. I took it regularly for three weeks and then it ran out. It was not a prescription. It did help some, but not as well as it should've. In fact, I've been experiencing more pain and discomfort (gas, excessive burping/bloating, heartburn, etc.) in my upper GI tract and in a way it seems worse and grody. Within the past week, I've had a few episodes and I'm taking Pepcid AC for some short-lived relief. In fact, within the past 24 hours of this e-mail, I had heartburn which almost was as bad as the heartburn which woke me up in December. This heartburn is not occurring when I'm asleep, however. I'm awake and up...and I was driving one of these recent times. (My lower GI tract seems fine...with the exception of a few urgencies. There was this bad period after Thanksgiving.) Fortunately, I've made another appointment to see my doctor again this Tuesday (March 6th) at 8:45 AM. Also, it's good to note that I've NOT been nauseated at all!

On January 29th, my doctor told me if I had any more problems or concerns to make another appointment...and I have! Praise God! My doctor is not ruling out my gallbladder. It might be gallstones and the doctor might do an ultra-sound test. I don't know exactly, though. In a way, I can't wait to see the doctor. I'll probably also tell him that I've been feeling lethargic lately. Sometimes, I would much rather take naps and sleep than do anything else...including my actual full-time job at AlphaGraphics in Cary (hectic at times!!!), digital photo work, socializing, sending e-mail, etc. (Speaking of which, I know I probably need to do some more photo editing and work after sending this e-mail, but I won't. I'll be going to bed. Sorry to those of you who might be waiting...and I know some of you are. Most of my photography is volunteer-based with just a fraction being actual paid jobs/gigs. The photography is done on my free-time...just in case you're wondering....and I'm not complaining! I can't because I actually asked for it...literally.)

[Also, I've been doing quite a bit of research on the Internet about gastrointestinal concerns, etc. as well as a few other things. One of my favorite sites is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page even though some of the entries might be biased.]

As far as the eye exam on January 30th, it went well...and I ended up having to get new glasses since my prescription changed. I ordered two new pair of eyeglasses and they came in on February 7th. I've adjusted well to them and I'm glad I got my eyes examined since it had been since June of 2001 when they were last checked. I haven't had any headaches or eye strain, but there was this time which I did have some burning and itching eyes when I was driving. I guess I was tired then and rubbed my eyes. I'm thankful that all is well now with my eyes, glasses, etc. :-)

Well, I guess I need to go now. I'll be in contact with you again later...but before I go, I want to share with you a link to a blog (an online web log/journal) of mine. It's fairly new with the exception of a few posts which I transferred from an older blog I had at a "MySpace" account I still have...and I don't use "MySpace" that often. I haven't "officially" announced the blog yet to people, but probably will. As some of you know, I did quite a bit of e-mailing when my dad was diagnosed with cancer in August of 2003 and throughout up to and after his death in September of 2004. The time and mood to do those large e-mails sort of vanished last summer. (I've tried blogging before even as early as December of 2003.) Hopefully, I can get back in touch with people with a blog...and I know that blogs aren't as good as personal visits, etc. I just think I'm beginning to miss a few people and things. I hate being nostalgic. (It sort of sets me back too far!) At times, I think I'm too busy for my own good. I'm also including a link to my photo site at FOTKI...and I know most of you have checked that one out.

Anyway, here are those links...

Enjoy and have a great day!

Gregory <><

02 March 2007

Going Back To The Doctor...

Yes, I know it's extremely late...but, I just wanted to share that I'll be going to the doctor on Tuesday morning, March 6th around 8:45 AM for him to check up on whether or not I have gallstones or what....in regards to the heartburn and other pains I've been experiencing for the past couple of months.

01 March 2007

Just the Scout

This is the old 1969 International Scout 800A my dad purchased in 1977. This picture was taken on October 27th, 1978 at Topsail Beach. The Scout is still with us even though my Dad passed away in September of 2004.

NOW!!! This is the Scout with my new 2006 Jeep Liberty Limited 4X4 on December 30th, 2006...and I purchased the Liberty on December 27th after my 2001 Olds Alero GLS "died" on me. Not that fun!

Better Blogging Now???

Hello All!

I've done blogs before, but haven't really been that faithful in keeping up with them updated and such. Maybe I can do better this time in doing this particular blog. Right??? (Some of the entries are months apart.) Oh well. I know that it does take time and energy to do so...and I'm still doing the photography as I've been doing for the past few years. Ha!

Well, I'll go now. Hopefully, I'll be posting more again. Stay tuned!

G- <><

PS--What should I continue posting about??? :-) Ha! (I guess I already know.)

The Wave Swinger at the 2008 NC STATE FAIR on October 19th...


Sign by Dealighted - Coupons and Deals

Christmas 2009 Countdown!

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...