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05 March 2007

Update on my Health (and Visits to the Doctor)...March 5th, 2007

Hi All,

Hope this finds you doing well. This is sort of an update in regards to an e-mail I sent to you about my "health" on January 29th (which itself was an update of an e-mail from me dated January 25th). In it, I mentioned I was going to see my medical doctor on January 29th and have an eye exam on January 30th. Well, I did go to my doctor on the 29th and told him about the heartburn and other pain I've been having in my upper right chest, etc.

He gave me some medicine for acid reflux, etc. I took it regularly for three weeks and then it ran out. It was not a prescription. It did help some, but not as well as it should've. In fact, I've been experiencing more pain and discomfort (gas, excessive burping/bloating, heartburn, etc.) in my upper GI tract and in a way it seems worse and grody. Within the past week, I've had a few episodes and I'm taking Pepcid AC for some short-lived relief. In fact, within the past 24 hours of this e-mail, I had heartburn which almost was as bad as the heartburn which woke me up in December. This heartburn is not occurring when I'm asleep, however. I'm awake and up...and I was driving one of these recent times. (My lower GI tract seems fine...with the exception of a few urgencies. There was this bad period after Thanksgiving.) Fortunately, I've made another appointment to see my doctor again this Tuesday (March 6th) at 8:45 AM. Also, it's good to note that I've NOT been nauseated at all!

On January 29th, my doctor told me if I had any more problems or concerns to make another appointment...and I have! Praise God! My doctor is not ruling out my gallbladder. It might be gallstones and the doctor might do an ultra-sound test. I don't know exactly, though. In a way, I can't wait to see the doctor. I'll probably also tell him that I've been feeling lethargic lately. Sometimes, I would much rather take naps and sleep than do anything else...including my actual full-time job at AlphaGraphics in Cary (hectic at times!!!), digital photo work, socializing, sending e-mail, etc. (Speaking of which, I know I probably need to do some more photo editing and work after sending this e-mail, but I won't. I'll be going to bed. Sorry to those of you who might be waiting...and I know some of you are. Most of my photography is volunteer-based with just a fraction being actual paid jobs/gigs. The photography is done on my free-time...just in case you're wondering....and I'm not complaining! I can't because I actually asked for it...literally.)

[Also, I've been doing quite a bit of research on the Internet about gastrointestinal concerns, etc. as well as a few other things. One of my favorite sites is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page even though some of the entries might be biased.]

As far as the eye exam on January 30th, it went well...and I ended up having to get new glasses since my prescription changed. I ordered two new pair of eyeglasses and they came in on February 7th. I've adjusted well to them and I'm glad I got my eyes examined since it had been since June of 2001 when they were last checked. I haven't had any headaches or eye strain, but there was this time which I did have some burning and itching eyes when I was driving. I guess I was tired then and rubbed my eyes. I'm thankful that all is well now with my eyes, glasses, etc. :-)

Well, I guess I need to go now. I'll be in contact with you again later...but before I go, I want to share with you a link to a blog (an online web log/journal) of mine. It's fairly new with the exception of a few posts which I transferred from an older blog I had at a "MySpace" account I still have...and I don't use "MySpace" that often. I haven't "officially" announced the blog yet to people, but probably will. As some of you know, I did quite a bit of e-mailing when my dad was diagnosed with cancer in August of 2003 and throughout up to and after his death in September of 2004. The time and mood to do those large e-mails sort of vanished last summer. (I've tried blogging before even as early as December of 2003.) Hopefully, I can get back in touch with people with a blog...and I know that blogs aren't as good as personal visits, etc. I just think I'm beginning to miss a few people and things. I hate being nostalgic. (It sort of sets me back too far!) At times, I think I'm too busy for my own good. I'm also including a link to my photo site at FOTKI...and I know most of you have checked that one out.

Anyway, here are those links...

Enjoy and have a great day!

Gregory <><

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