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29 January 2007

Quick Update on my Health...January 29th, 2007

Hi All,

Hope you're doing well. Thanks to those who replied back to me in regards to my e-mail on January 25th about my health. I apologize for not individually doing personal replies back yet. (I need to soon!)

I just wanted to give you a quick update. I'll be going to see my personal doctor later today (Monday, January 29th) at 3:15 PM and will have an eye exam on Tuesday, January 30th at 9 AM. Might as well get it all done, right? Besides, it's sort of long overdue...especially the eye exam. It's been since June of 2001 when I last had my eyes examined and was prescribed new glasses (before that it was November of '95 and February of '93)....and it's been since May of 1988 when I started wearing them. No contacts for me....yet. (I really would like to do laser eye surgery...when finances allow.)

As for how I've been over the past few days, I've been okay. Still tired and sleepy at times. No more chest pain or heartburn, with the exception of a brief episode on my right side. I've been doing my usual work schedule...in fact, I even have done a little bit more. I worked on Saturday...and this was the FIRST Saturday I've worked at my current full-time job in the seven-and-a-half years of employment there. I've done other work and things on other Saturdays, obviously. It just seems as though there has been quite a bit going on at work and elsewhere. It's challenging to keep up....not only for me at work, but for other people at my job as well. These past twelve months have been interesting because of a higher than usual turnover rate, especially among some employees with three, four, and up to nine years of service. I'll not go into detail, but it's been full of change at my job.

Some of you suggested to me that STRESS could be my problem...and it probably has been. At my job, maybe??? The photography too?? (No way!) My family? I will admit that I've felt snippy about all of it within the past few days. This past summer was extremely trying with some of it, but that's over now. Fortunately, I will admit that I have not experienced anxiety/worry or even panic like I had in the past to the point of physical nausea and weakness. It's been rare now for a "breakdown" to occur. I think the anti-depressant medication more than likely has helped in that area along with prayers, encouragement, and overall support.

Anyway, I need to go now. I'm tempted to write more, but I won't. Time to go to bed and I'll do just that. I've been attempting to get more rest and it's been successful even though there have been a few times within the past few days which I almost didn't get enough rest it seems and I just felt lazy and not feeling like doing anything, but forced myself otherwise. Ironically, it was hard to go to sleep on Friday night even though I was sleepy. (On Saturday night, I just conked out.)

Thanks again for the prayers and concern. When all is done at the doctor's office as well as with the eye exam, I'll update again. Have a great day!

Gregory <><

PS - I'm only sending this e-mail to a "few" people...not an extremely large list where I'll have to send this e-mail out more than once.

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