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25 January 2007

Prayer Request for my Health...January 25th, 2007

Hi All,

I'm requesting prayer for me...actually my health. I'll spare you the minute details, but I will share some. Lately, I've been feeling run-down, etc....even a little bit narcoleptic at times. But, I've also been dealing with some slight headaches as well as some pain in my upper right chest. In fact, for the past thirty minutes or so (from the time of this e-mail), I've been dealing with some shortness of breath with some tightness in my chest. It feels as though I've strained something, but I think I haven't. I've experienced this pain another time within the past twenty-four hours, but not as bad.

As some of you might recall, I experienced some chest pains in October of 2005 and even went to the ER only to find out I was dealing with stress, etc. My heart was fine....and I went to my doctor after then to be prescribed an anti-depressant. I've been to the doctor for check-ups a few times since and even have had my anti-depressant meds changed. The last time it was changed was in the spring of last year....and when I don't take the meds, then I actually feel rough.

I was out of work for two days last week due to a sinus infection and felt lousy and even dizzy. I usually take my anti-depressant and allergy meds at night as well as an occasional Aleve and even a tablet for heartburn. I will admit that I hadn't experience heartburn (from what I know) until six or so weeks ago. It was horrifying and I woke up at 4:30 AM and couldn't go back to sleep without voicing my discomfort. I really didn't know what to do. That was when I started taking occasional meds for heartburn. I don't think that I'm experiencing that now since the pain is not in the center of my chest...only the upper right. I've already taken my meds...and I'm getting ready for bed. (I almost didn't even want to send this e-mail.)

There are a few other more "personal" health issues (or just plain concerns which don't need discussing due to their potentially embarrassing nature even though they're probably more common than I think) which I'll not share, but have been dealing with on occasion.

I really need to call my family doctor when I get up for work. I'll try to update you when I have the chance. I'm not sending this e-mail to many people...just a few. My "personal update list" had gotten so big that I really don't think I need to send out too many mass e-mails too often...especially more than one a week.

(Actually, my personal e-mail accounts won't let me do it unless I have a shorter list...and there was this while when I didn't feel like sending e-mail, etc.) [Oops, I guess I need to mention that I haven't had my eyes checked in a few years...and probably need to do that soon, too. They've even been bothering me some as well. They might be causing some problems???]

Well, I need to go now and try to go to sleep. Have a great day and thanks.

Gregory <><

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