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29 August 2006

Extremely Short E-Mail From Me Requesting "Prayer"


I'm requesting prayer for peace, wisdom, and guidance in regards to handling a few things which have come my way lately. I've been dealing with computer and car problems as well as strife with my mom. It's been difficult and not too encouraging for me. I've been agitated....and I know I'm not perfect and probably have some of this coming my way because life is life and life goes on even in the midst of itself with its stress and strain.

Some of you probably know that on Friday, August 18th, the driver's side window on my car went down and failed to go back up...then a few hours later my computer died on me. All that occurred right as I was getting ready to go visit my Grandma Thelma for the weekend and see some of my dad's side of the family as well. As of now, the car problem is fixed minus $400...and I took my computer to a friend of mine this week. He called to tell me the hard drive on my computer is failing and I need a new hard drive. (I did back up "some" of the files, but not everything.)

I bought the computer in November of 2004 (shortly after my dad died) when my other computer started having problems. Therefore, the computer isn't that old, but it's been working hard, especially since it's the computer I use for my digital photo editing, etc. I think the digital photo editing probably stressed out the system and burned it out. Or maybe not? :-) (I also had an external hard drive burn out on me in March of 2005...and that's not been fixed as of yet. I have thousands of photos on that particular external hard drive.) Fortunately, I can do e-mailing on other computers since e-mailing doesn't strain the system like digital photo work can. I'm using my mom's (and dad's) computer to send out this e-mail message.

So...currently, I'm still taking pictures even though I'm getting behind in editing and working with them. I was behind before all this occurred because of other more urgent priorities at home and what-not. I know I could attempt to do some of the digital photo work on other computers, but I would probably bog down the system....or whatever. My computer's processor is one of the best...and I did purchase one of the better systems. Digital photo work takes a tremendous amount of time...and energy! Not only do I show up at the place to take the actual photos, I then have to spend the time to actually edit them on the computer, etc....and resize/upload...all of that! The majority of my digital photo work is volunteer and I don't get paid for it. My mother wishes I did and we've had several heated arguements over it....and I'm slowly beginning to agree with her....especially since I've been at my full-time job for seven years and haven't had a pay rate increase in four. Extra income from my photography services would come in handy in dealing with unexpected expenses. No need to go into more detail there.

Well, I probably need to go now. Time to take care of other things. Thanks for reading this. I'll write again later.

Gregory <><

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