Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club
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19 July 2006

Why Bother???

Oh well...I don't know where my "mind" is these days. It seems as though life is either disappointing or a little disgusting at times these days. At times, it doesn't even seem real...except for the pain and aggravation. I haven't been posting (or even sending out e-mail, etc.) like I used to.

Heck! I now take pictures still...but don't work on them or post them like I used to in a timely manner. It seems as though there's this irritating family crisis (from the pits of Hades) which has been testing me...and I've been failing a time or two. That's not good! Ugh!

Anyway...I need to go now. I have this major headache and the bed is calling out my name. "Oh, Gregory!" More later...that is if I don't forget to do this blog again.

G- <><

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