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23 February 2009

Why can't the Facebook Mini-Feed be more PRIVATE??? BIG BROTHER is watching us and we're allowing him...

I'm still at Grandma's as I type this and I'm using dial-up and can't be too long.

Anyway, I'm just wondering why can't the FB mini-feed be more PRIVATE. I've had the ability to look at my own profile from another's point-of-view and have seen how much stuff I do is on the mini-feed EVEN when I take things off my wall. Also, I've seen my live feed...and it details everything...again, when I might "erase" what I've done. Not that I'm doing anything illegal or whatever. (For example, if I change my profile picture five times within five minutes, the live feed says that I've done so. I can erase it from my wall, but not from the feed.)

This really is becoming a concern for me and it seems as though BIG BROTHER (Orwell's 1984 type) is really coming into play now...and we've allowed it to occur through our FB profiles, cell phones, text messaging (which I do NOT do), online activity, etc. Does any of this concern you? I've been online for ten years now and FB is wonderful and great, but the feeds are beginning to concern me. I guess that regular email and even blogs might be safer than Facebook. (Yes, I know that I'm guilty. Just see how many photo uploads, etc. I've done within the past few months, etc.)

FB does have the feature of having certain things not being posted on the wall and mini-feed...but NOT everything. I do want to be able to share things, but NOT everything. Contrary to belief, I do not share everything....and I'm glad I don't. But, I'm alive and do have things to offer...at least, I hope I do in order to make this world a better place. Many of you do too and have been blessings to me. Thank you.

Well, I need to go now. Time to get ready to go back home so I can be at my job at 3:30 PM. I guess that's a good thing about the second shift. I at least got a chance to stay over at Grandma's last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Facebook is more like a bastard sibling. You might like this link


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