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30 August 2008

Kudos to Capital Chrysler Jeep Dodge in Garner!!!

I just arrived back from getting my Jeep Liberty's driver's side front window regulator repaired/replaced as well as getting an oil change, etc. (Decided to go ahead and get that done while the Liberty was in repairs. No need to go back, huh?)

The dealership where I purchased the Liberty and take back for service repairs, etc. is Capital Chrysler Jeep Dodge in Garner. Even though I'm sure they might grow tired of seeing me (or hearing me complain) about the window regulators, I will say that I am impressed with the speed of the service there as well as the attitudes and competence of the service techs and reps. I was in at 8 AM today (August 30th) and was out by 9:45 AM. It used to be longer...but they've gotten better...and they don't make the window regulators!

I hope they at least let their suppliers know about the window regulators. I think they do because one of the reps today told me (like he did last time) the manufacturer of the regulators (who also does GM ones, I think) is trying to improve the quality. I sure hope so!!!

Anyway, KUDOS to Capital Chrysler Jeep Dodge!!! Now every window regulator in all four doors of the Liberty has replaced this year! Hopefully, I won't have ANY more problems for a long while. :-)

Again, Happy Labor Day weekend!!! Maybe I'll make it to Wrightsville Beach today for the day even though the friends I was going with have already left by now.

The NEVER-ENDING SAGA of the Jeep Liberty's Window Regulators...and HAPPY LABOR DAY!!!

For those of you who know me well (in any sort of way) know that I currently drive a 2006 Jeep Liberty Limited 4X4 which I purchased in December of 2006 after my 2001 Olds Alero decided to turn evil and started blowing head gaskets and everything else even though I had it checked before weeks before when the intake manifold gasket was replaced and the mechanic told me things were alright. Talk about getting disappointed!

(Umph! Enough about the Alero with its bad self! On to the Jeep!)

On my way home from my job last evening, August 29th, I decided to stop by McDonald's and purchase me a sweetened iced tea and the Southern-Style chicken sandwich (which is good by the way). What a better way to start the Labor Day weekend, huh?

I powered down my driver's side front window only to have it not go back up. Obviously, it's the window regulator!!! How do I know??? (Read on to find out....I've got experience in dealing with this issue. Sorry if I might sound upset, but this is disappointing for me to deal with window regulators dying on me every few months.)

So, instead of going to Wrightsville Beach later today (August 30th) with some friends like I had planned because I've been too busy this summer to spend much time at the beach unlike many of my friends and family (lucky them!), I will be going to the Jeep dealership to deal with this window regulator. I'll even share with you the comments I wrote to the dealership. None of my anger is directed toward anyone who is reading this...unless you designed the Jeep Lemon (oops...I meant Liberty! My bad!).

Here are some of the comments I wrote (and hopefully I can get some relief about this???):

I also know this is early and last moment, but last evening (August 29th), one of my window regulators died on me. AGAIN!!!

I know that you probably couldn't get the part in time, but I would appreciate it if I could get the window to stay up because I had plans this Labor Day weekend to be out-of-town today (Saturday)...and now, they've changed.


As for the window regulator troubles, this makes the FOURTH time this year!!! The last time was in June and the time before that was in April and the time before that was in January.

I'm sure this might seem tiring and even annoying for me to share this, but it is highly tiring and annoying and downright UNACCEPTABLE for me to have the window regulators on my automobile die on me every few months.

I do like my Jeep Liberty overall, but if my Liberty had a 100% money-back guarantee, I most certainly would return it because the faulty window regulators make the Liberty a LEMON in my book.

Gregory E. Johnson

PS - Actually, this makes the FIFTH time one of the window regulators died on me. Within a couple of weeks of me purchasing the Liberty in late December of 2006, a regulator gave me trouble and died. Geez! Again, highly unacceptable!


Maybe I might be getting somewhere with my comments....especially if I have to continue to deal with this hassle every few months!!!!!!!!!!!!! Overall, I do like my Liberty and when I went four-wheeling with it at Fort Fisher a couple of weekends ago, it was indeed fun. The gas mileage isn't the best, but it's not the worst. It now has almost 36,000 miles and yes, it had less than 100 when I purchased it. It's been with me to Florida twice and many places in North Carolina. It's been a good vehicle which can tow/haul heavy loads easily with the exception of the CURSED window regulators. (When will this curse stop???)

I even did a blog post the LAST time one of the window regulators died on me in June. Here's the link...and I shared some of the window regulator hassle history there too:


(Even though I said I would slap my Jeep's face if it had one as per the post I did in June, I wouldn't slap it now. I would be talking to it...and probably talking to it now wouldn't hurt. Ha!)

Well, I probably do need to close this post for now. Thanks for taking the time to read this...I actually was going to do a post about my Dad, but decided not to due to time. As some of you probably know, my Dad received his deadly diagnosis of lung/brain cancer on August 29th in 2003 - FIVE YEARS AGO. He was given 6 to 12 months to live and he lived 13 months and a day. It's still sort of hard to believe.

Anyway, have a HAPPY LABOR DAY WEEKEND!!! Be safe and have fun!!!

PS - As for my Dad's 1969 Scout, it's still around (and has been since 1977) even though the battery is DEAD and the tires need replacing and I haven't replaced the doughnut gasket yet. I still hope the Scout will outlast me! (I honestly believe that it WILL outlast the Liberty even though it's 37 years older!!!)

26 August 2008

Tanker Truck Catches Fire On Interstate 440 (Raleigh Beltline)

Location: Raleigh, NC - Interstate 440 near exit 301
This occurred on August 26th, 2008 around midnight. When I was coming home from my job in Morrisville around 1:45 AM, I noticed this fire and immediately thought it was a tanker truck explosion...and it was. Ironically, it was a shockingly incredible sight to see. I do hope that the driver will be okay...

***NOTE***It has been a while since I've done any real blogging...and I will try to do so more again, but I have been doing quite a bit of FACEBOOK, though. :-)

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