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15 March 2008

Work, Work, and More Work!

Well, I have just settled in from coming from my full-time job. Yes, I do know it is 12:55 AM on Saturday, March 15th as I type this post. I was at my job working until 11:45 PM. (I even cancelled some Friday night plans....but, that's okay, right???) It was a long and crazy day. So crazy that I'll share the FACEBOOK status entries I did for 8:02 PM and 11:59 PM.

8:02 PM...Gregory is still at work. He's thankful for a job even though he WISHES it was another job. Even though he's thankful for his job, he knows he's been advantage of.

11:59 PM...Gregory is NOW leaving work. It's midnight on Saturday the 15th. What a week! But, he doesn't feel tired, praise God! It's been a long day....a 15 or so hour one.

Fortunately, I do feel okay and not very tired as I do type this. That indeed is a praise! There are so many times in which my eyes want to roll back in my head and I have trouble even wanting to stay up. That has occurred a few times when I've tried to do some digital photo editing, etc.

Anyway, even though I have vented on this blog in the past and have strived now NOT to, I will admit that it's working to an extent. There are some times in which I still want to vent and also be thankful at the same time. For example, I really am thankful for my full-time job even though it can test and push me to various limits of even my sanity. I guess I could do thankful venting??? Ha!

Well, I do need to go now. More than likely, I'll be back at work today (Saturday, March 15th) because there is a large project which needs to be completed by early Monday morning. I'm glad that I do have a job because it does help pay my bills. Too bad I can't say that about the photography now!

PS - One Bible Verse which was on my FACEBOOK page was Romans 8:28....one of my favorites.

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