Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club
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21 April 2006

Very, Very Busy!!!

I've been very busy lately...no time to post anything at all. Very tired too! Oh well. Things NEED to get better!

G- <><

04 April 2006

A Bible Verse I've been thinking about...

I've been thinking of Galatians 5:22 recently and of the fruits of the Spirit. (More later.)

G- <><

03 April 2006

Tolerating People...Myself Included!!!

I don't have much time to post, but I will anyway. I'm just in a thinking mood....wondering how much God really loves me because there are those times which I sometimes want to slap the crap out of someone who infuriates me...or I want to justify myself. (I usually try to justifiy, but I need to shut up and take the low place.) I must incorporate Christ's love and tolerate the other person unconditionally. Well, it's bedtime....gotta go!

G- <><

02 April 2006

The Bruise hasn't left!!!

The bruise under my arm is still there.

Well, I need to go. The time changes!!!

G- <><

01 April 2006

King Kong

I just came back from watching "King Kong" at Raleighwood (http://www.raleighwoodmovies.com) a few hours ago...and I've been spending the last couple of hours searching http://www.imdb.com about King Kong and the remakes, etc. Very interesting. It's sad that the giant ape dies, though. Oh well.

This also marks the FIRST time I've ever gone to Raleighwood! It has been open since May of 1993 and I've known about it, but never been. I guess there's a first time for everything...and I went there with a friend of mine and a friend of his. It was good to have a real dinner and a movie. Ha! Very nice to RELAX after a butt-kickin' week at work!

G- <><

PS--I know it's been a few days since my last posting. Like I said, it's been a kickin' week at work along with digital photo work, etc. I'll share more again soon.

The Wave Swinger at the 2008 NC STATE FAIR on October 19th...


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Christmas 2009 Countdown!

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...