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25 December 2010

[SANSDADDY] 2010 Christmas Holiday Greetings

Below is a copy of my annual Christmas Holiday Greeting email which I usually send out. However, since some of you who used to receive them are NOW on Facebook, I'm not sending you an email cause I'm basically stating the same thing. (There might be some emails which slip past me though.)

From: gregory edward johnson
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2009 2:00 AM
To: gregory edward johnson
Subject: [SANSDADDY] 2010 Christmas Holiday Greetings

Hi All,

I just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of Holidays as well as a great start to 2011! What a year it has been...and it really does seem very strange that 2010 is practically over. Time certainly flies when you get older...and I'll be officially in my "late 30's" in February...but, I will say I'll be two years from forty. (When I did get older???)

It is also hard to believe that it's THIS time of year again...and I'm still breaking a tradition of mine and NOT sending out a long email (post on the blog/notes) since some of you are on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and can read up on what's happening in my life there. (Same goes for the blog. I've also been in contact with practically all of you this past year too in some form.)

Here are "some" of the web sites of my blog, Facebook profile, Fotki (photography) site, etc....

http://rettaman.blogspot.com/ (which isn't updated that much anymore since I'm on Facebook more)

http://public.fotki.com/rettaman (the same photo site which I've been using since 2003, but I've been uploading photos to Facebook more lately)

http://www.facebook.com/rettaman (FACEBOOK really has changed my life, especially how I've contacted people lately! It's rare that I send email now. In fact, I've trimmed my email list now since quite a few people on the list are part of my FB contact "friend" list.)

http://www.youtube.com/user/rettaman (my YouTube account...some video which I've recorded of the North Carolina State Fair, etc.)

http://www.linkedin.com/in/gregoryedwardjohnson (my LinkedIn profile...strictly professional)



As far as what I'll be doing for Christmas, I'll be spending time with my Dad's side of the family (even though it's now been six years since Dad's passing) and Grandma Thelma (Mom's mom) who's 95...and this year, I'll actually miss her cooking since she's not able to cook anymore. Some of you know that her health has failed in the past year with various countless concerns...and she has encountered many falls and broken bones too. In February, she fell and broke her neck (but not paralyzed or anything like that). My Mom stayed with Grandma for a few months then. In late June / early July, she fell and broke her left shoulder and while she was in the rehab facility, she was transferred to a rest home.

As a result of these falls and other reasons not disclosed, Grandma's not living in her own home anymore. Even during her stay in the rest home, she's had a few falls...the latest on October 31st and she broke her left arm near the shoulder then. This really has been trying for the family, but it's good she's still here and it's also good to be able to spend another Christmas with her because I know that these Christmases will be fewer as time passes. It truly is a miracle that Grandma is still here with us!!!

As far as my job, I'm still with the same company I've been with since May of 2008. I still am doing photography on the side as a personal hobby as well as a "business" (which still has NOT grown as much as I would like for it too) and a ministry for various churches, etc. I am still not quite as disciplined at doing some aspects (more like the editing and uploading) of the photography as I used to be. But, I still am glad that I am still doing it.

Well, I need to close for now. (I think my long emails might be a thing of the past???) Anyway, take care of yourselves, enjoy fellowship with family & friends, and be safe if any of you are traveling! (Hope to hear from you!)


Gregory E. Johnson

PS - As I mentioned to several of you previously, September 30th marked the six year anniversary of my Dad's death from brain/lung cancer. Hard to believe it's been SIX years, but it has.

The Wave Swinger at the 2008 NC STATE FAIR on October 19th...


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