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30 January 2009

Might be taking a break from FB & disable my account for a while?

This needs to be a very short note since it's very late as I type this and I really need to be in the bed asleep so I can have enough energy and stamina to work and do all of that other crazy stuff life throws at you.

Anyway, I've been on Facebook since February 5th, 2008 and I'm very tempted to disable my account for a while. I've been unfriended a few times recently and it might be because I've been cramming too much stuff in the mini-feed of some of my friends. What friends they are??? Don't know. If I could separate the mini-feed from my profile, I would!!! Duh. (For example, this note might find its way into one of your mini-feeds even though I don't want it to.)

Maybe I've been posting too many pictures??? If people KNOW me as they do, then they know I do love photography even though at times the photography can be rather "whatever" to me too. (Does that sound cruel and harsh? I hope not. I'm just trying to sort more things out and not lose any more friends and sanity in my life cause I really do need it.) Better be glad that I don't have my status updates talking about LOST or 24. :-)

There are also certain FB features and other things on FB which I've found to be annoying...and no, I'll not share what they are. I will say that maybe a break from FB will be a good thing. I'm not sure when or how soon, but it might be within the near future. However, if I do disable my account, then it might appear that I myself have "unfriended" my friends...whom I would much rather refer to as followers because if I call them friends and they're not my friends anymore, should I freak out and even send emails to them asking them to remove my email address from their lists, etc.??? (Oops...getting off on a tangent.)

I guess that I just have to see what happens. It's a paradox of how I thought FB would make me feel closer to people and keep in contact with them better (which has been true) while at times I've been feeling distant. Fortunately, I've been readjusting my thoughts within the past few days...and I do feel better.

Oh, if I do go, I'll be back...I hope.


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