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25 December 2007

[SANSDADDY] 2007 Christmas Holiday Greetings...and a "Short" Update?

Hi All,

I just wanted to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season. I had planned to send out "greetings" of some sort around the first of November...that was when I noticed the Holiday Decorations up and about the shopping center near home. But, I didn't. My excuse is that I've been busy, tired, distracted, frustrated, mad/angry, etc. (you name it)...all which is true by the way, but not at the same time! Ha!

Anyway, for those who are used to me writing epistles (long and laborious emails, etc.), you might be out-of-luck. This past year I really have been out-of-touch and disconnected in a way...and really didn't make much effort to do otherwise except to do what I *had* to do. The last time I probably have contacted some of you was last year at this time...and I really can't believe that it really is CHRISTMAS of 2007 and that 2008 is NEXT week! Where has the year 2007 gone to??? Can any of you tell me?

There probably won't be any grand updates of what's been happening this past year in regards to me, my job, my HEALTH, my family, etc. But, oh yes, there really has been quite a bit going on. I'll save that for later...and probably will be posting it on an online blog of mine. Below is the link to click on...and I'm not a power blogger. In fact, I post every few months or so....the last entry (at the time of this email) might be back in March or sometime earlier this year. I guess I'm lazy, aren't I? Or, am I just busy, tired, distracted, frustrated, mad/angry??? :-) Just kidding!


This past year also has been a little bit of a struggle for me in a few other ways...including photography. I haven't given it up and hope I never will. But, I also haven't been quite as diligent in editing and posting pictures like I used to. I haven't forgotten. I still take photographs as usual. However, it seems as though when I do try to take time to edit and post the pictures, I literally have to FIGHT sleep. There have been times in which I have been trying to edit some photographs only to find myself falling asleep at the keyboard for a quick snooze...and jerking my head back to wake up. I then would drag myself to my bed and literally fall. I'm not quite as crazy as I was about the photography as I was a few years ago...I might've mellowed out. In fact, I almost wanted to procrastinate and not send out this email itself...but, I changed my mind. I was thinking about sleep beforehand.

As they say, pictures are worth a thousand words...so, with that in mind, here is the link to the main photo site of mine...and it's NOT a real professional site. I don't get paid BIG BUCKS for any of my photography (HINT! HINT!), but would like to. :-) I'm not saying that I never have gotten paid for any of my photography, but just haven't been able to even make a dent in it. (That's been challenging...especially when I might be having a stressful time at my job or with family.) In fact, this year has been the worst year in trying to get paid jobs (photography-wise). The previous years definitely have been better, but the overtime I've been getting at my full-time job for the past few months has been picking up the slack.


Even though I'm not sharing grand updates in this particular email, I'll still update you on something which I mentioned last year at this time. In December of 2006, my 2001 Oldsmobile Alero GLS died on me and I was stuck without a car. I was sort of frantically car-searching this time last year...even though I did like looking for a car and actually still like to look at cars. (I think I have car lust....honestly.)

Well....on December 27th, two days after Christmas of last year (2006), I purchased a new 2006 Jeep Liberty. It was the last new 2006 Jeep Liberty from the auto dealership where I purchased it from. It had less than fifty miles on it when I purchased it. Today, it has 21,000 miles on it and it's been relatively nice to have. It's not really the best on gas, but it's not the worst either. I drove it to Florida this past August when I went on a four-day Carnival Lines cruise with a friend of mine and other Christian Singles. It's been driven to more parts of the state than I've driven any other automobile I've owned....and there's a chance that it might be driven back to South Florida within the next month when I'll be going there with a couple of friends for a week-long vacation. If I don't let my car lust get to me, I'm sure I'll be keeping the Liberty as long as possible.

Oh, as for my Dad's 1969 International Scout 800A, it's still around. (I hope it even outlasts me!) This year (2007) marked THIRTY years of my Dad purchasing the Scout. He purchased it in 1977. Currently, the Scout is having some exhaust trouble and really shouldn't be driven until it's fixed, but I did take it out for its "annual" Christmas Eve drive around the neighborhood and few surrounding roads. It's been challenging to try to get it fixed, because of its age and rarity. I think I know what the problem is (doughnut gasket?) and probably could do it on my own...and possibly could since there still are the 1961 and 1964 Scouts my Dad purchased for parts back in 1992. Oh well. As my Mom, Sister, and Nephews have said many times this year, I wish my Dad were still here so he could impart more of his wisdom and advice to us about things. Honest!

Speaking of Dad, it's been about three years and three months since his death. At times, it doesn't seem that long ago. These past few months actually have been hard even though it's been a few years since he died. I can't explain it to you, but at times it still hurts that he's no longer here. I've even cried about it a few times this past month...especially when dealing with various "family" things....and I don't share it like I did in the past with long and elaborate emails? Who has time to write and read those things these days anyway? (Just kidding again!)

Well, I do need to go now. It's VERY late as I type this and even though it doesn't feel like Christmas, it is and I have to go to sleep and get ready to go to bed because I'll be at my Grandma Thelma's for some of the week. (Oh, in April, Grandma turned 92 and the day after she turned 92, she actually had a wreck and hasn't driven since. Fortunately, my Mom was planning to retire in late April and actually did retire. She's been helping Grandma with various errands and appointments a few times each month since.)

Again, I hope that all of you will have a very Merry Christmas and I hope that 2008 will be a good one for you. I hope it's going to be a better one for me...and feel free to check out my blog or photo site if you haven't heard from me in a while. I won't promise that it will be constantly updated like it should, though.

Gregory <><


PS - I still am wearing the SpeechEasy (http://www.speecheasy.com) "anti-stuttering" device even though it's not a cure-all. At times, I wonder if it's really helping me, but I guess it is, right?

The Wave Swinger at the 2008 NC STATE FAIR on October 19th...


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