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25 December 2006

[SANSDADDY] Christmas Greetings, Automobiles, and the SpeechEasy Saga - December 25th, 2006

Hi All,

Hope this finds you doing well. I just wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas! I'm not sure if you might be reading this after the fact or not.

For those of you who are used to my LONG e-mails, I'm really don't need to do one this time because I'm short on FREE time....and I know I haven't been sending out e-mails like I used to for the past seven or eight months...with the exception of a few things and lists I'm on. I'm sure that probably some of you are looking at the right scroll bar to see how long this e-mail is, right??? :-) Come on, I know who some of you are! (Just kidding. I don't blame you.)

Honestly, I haven't been in the "e-mail mood" like I used to be. I've been extremely busy and even somewhat behind in several things, including photography for friends, family, church(es)/ministries...both paid and non-paid. I went to the 2006 NC State Fair and took several hundred pictures there. I have yet to do anything with those pictures yet. The same goes for some pictures I took over the Fourth of July, etc. Regardless, I'm still enjoying the photography and not getting as stressed about it (among many other things) like I was earlier this summer. This summer was not the best one, but it was manageable. :-) Some of you know that I had computer problems (all resolved now) as well as a few car problems toward the end of the summer. Besides, it was a hot one and there were some yard projects which needed completion! Ha!


This past month, I encountered even more car problems...all within weeks of each other. I'll spare most of the details since I've mentioned this to several of you already. My car (a 2001 Olds Alero GLS) started leaking antifreeze and the week after Thanksgiving I had it repaired. I was told it was the exhaust manifold gasket and it was replaced. So, I went along my merry way and the antifreeze gushed out of the car on Saturday evening, December 16th....just little over a week ago. I had the car towed back to the shop and I was told that it was the head gasket this time. (Again, I'm skimping out on some of the details....to save time...and some of you know about this already...and I'm getting sleepy. I'm watching the scroll bar - and clock - too.)

Well, the car is still "dead" and it's been a money pit for the past seven months or so. It's like I've got another car payment again. Speaking of which, I've been car searching for the past week and almost consumed with that. I guess it's better to go ahead and get rid of the Alero while I still can. The clear coat paint on the front bumper and hood has been seriously peeling to the point of ugliness. The Alero has 88,000 miles and I'm surprised the transmission hasn't flown out from under it yet. I will admit that the car searching has been a little bit exciting...and I'm ready for it to be over with as well....much like this e-mail, right? :-) I've still got to go to sleep, get ready to go to my Grandma's (mom's mother) house as well as see some of my dad's side of the family, eat loads of food, ache from eating the loads of food, take hundreds (literally) of pictures, become overwhelmed with that, etc. The annual cycle of traditions never end...and that's good in a sense because it's something to look forward to each and every year. Really, it seems as though this year has FLOWN by quickly. I can't believe that it's already Christmas and 2007 is practically here!!! Where has the time gone to? Whew!


Anyway, there is some good news...and again, some of you know about this already. Forgive me. I know that some of you have been wondering about how my "ear" has been doing, etc. since I had ear surgery to correct otosclerosis in my right ear earlier in January (eleven months ago). Well, I had my hearing tested back in May and last month. The hearing has gradually improved!!! But, wait, there's more.
In the past I've mentioned the SpeechEasy (http://www.speecheasy.com) device to help alleviate/correct my stuttering. Well, after months (and years?) of waiting....and waiting....and waiting, I finally received it on Sunday, November 5th. It certainly has been a long wait...one full of unexpected delays and trials, but well worth it. I did have the evaluation for the SpeechEasy way back in April and didn't receive the device until six months later. The device does work, but it's not a cure-all. There are limitations to it and there are certain situations and conditions in which it doesn't work very well. But, it works rather well when I read out loud, am calm, or on the telephone, etc. Again, it's not a cure-all and I still am adjusting to it. It's good though!!!

I guess I better get going now. But, before I do, some of you do know about my Dad's 1969 International Scout SUV (which I've inherited). Well, the Scout started backfiring quite a bit within the past couple of months even to the point of the muffler being blown out. I've since replaced the muffler and some of the spark plugs. It actually seems to be running fine overall now....and no, I'm not going to start using it as my daily driver. It's been in the family since 1977 and it's more of a seldomly-driven vehicle for short distances. I most certainly don't want anything to happen to the Scout and if something were to occur to my car or the Scout, I would choose my car. Little did I know. :-) (And, no, I didn't do the "annual" Christmas Eve drive with the Scout. I might decide to take it out for a spin before heading to see my extended family.)

(My! What about Dad? It's been two years and three months since his earthly passing and I've gotten used to it mostly. Really, with the recent car problems (and searching) I've been dealing with lately, there have been a few times which I - as well as several other members of the family - could've used his assistance and advice. :-) But, he's not here and that's life...and that's okay.)

Oh, am I going to mention anything about my job since I've got your attention/time and that some of you might be wondering? (Just a little.) I'm still at AlphaGraphics in Cary as a delivery driver and have been there since August of 1999. There have been quite a few changes there within the past many months....with quite a bit of turn-over (higher than usual and almost as stressful). It wasn't very easy to deal with some of the changes since there were a few "other" things going on "outside" of work. Fortunately, I think that all has calmed down overall now and I think that 2007 will be a brighter and better year. :-)


Okay...I've looked at the scroll bar and clock...and now I think it's time to close and get ready to go to bed. Seriously, I do hope that all of you will have a very Merry Christmas and New Year. I'll be in contact with you again later and forgive me if I don't reply back to you quickly...and I needn't spend too much time doing too many mass e-mails. They're good every once in a while. Have a great day!

Gregory <><

PS - I also know that some of you might be anxiously waiting for some more photography of mine to appear online. It will, Lord willing. :-) For those of you who know my photo web site address, etc...just keep looking.

The Wave Swinger at the 2008 NC STATE FAIR on October 19th...


Sign by Dealighted - Coupons and Deals

Christmas 2009 Countdown!

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...

Pictures from my Birthday Celebration at the Angus Barn on February 28th, 2009...